Daniel Götte, M.A.

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  • 2006-2009 Ausbildung zum Bankkaufmann und Berufstätigkeit
  • 2009-2013 Kombinations-Bachelor Geschichte/Germanistik an der Universität Kassel; Abschluss mit der Bachelorarbeit „Landgraf Friedrich II. von Hessen-Kassel – ein aufgeklärter Reformer?“
  • 2013-2015 Mitarbeit in den städtischen Museen und Galerien in Paderborn
  • 2013-2016 Master Europäische Geschichte an der Universität Kassel; Abschluss mit der Masterarbeit „Spätmittelalterliche Frauensiegel: Text, Bild und Materialität“
  • 2015-2016 Fachschaftsvertreter in der Fachgruppe Geschichte und in Gremien des Fachbereichs Gesellschaftswissenschaften der Universität Kassel
  • 2015/2016/2018 Forschungsaufenthalte am Kunsthistorischen Institut in Florenz
  • seit 2017 Doktorand am Fachgebiet Mittelalterliche Geschichte der Universität Kassel
  • 2018-2021 Promotionsstipendiat der Universität Kassel
  • 2019-2021 Lehrbeauftragter für Mittelalterliche Geschichte an der Universität Kassel
  • seit September 2021 wissenschaftlicher Volontär im Kreismuseum Wewelsburg

The use of seals by the Stiftspfleger of Fulda (1011–1531)
The dissertation thematizes the use of seals by the Stiftspfleger of Fulda, i.e. the administrators of the (princely) abbey, between 1011 and 1531. These administrators worked independently or in collaboration with the abbots, the monks, the knights and the towns of the ecclesiastical territory of Fulda, and their use of seals gives a variety of insights into the diplomatic strategies for managing crises of government, leadership and administration. At the same time, it shows the mutual dependencies which led to more elaborate safeguards for the certification of legal directives. To authenticate agreements, both the ecclesiastical and secular administrators used firstly their own (official) seals, to attest the authority conferred by their nobility and position, and secondly official seals with depictions of patron saints of the abbey. These served to give legitimation, and were sometimes used jointly with the abbots. This is the first time that such an in-depth study has been made of this strategic use of a wide range of different seal types for the administration of a medieval abbey in times of crisis. Moreover, the qualitative analysis in the context of the legal documents shows the diplomatic function of the seals of Fulda Stiftspfleger and their contractual partners. The project also has a quantitative element: the numerous, sometimes damaged wax impressions have been recorded in a catalogue, allowing an exploration of the sociocultural information conveyed by their lettering, images and materiality.




  • Rez. zu Thomas Vogtherr, Einführung in die Urkundenlehre, Stuttgart 22017, in: Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung 24/2 (2019), S. 479.