09/23/2022 | Kunst und Ökonomien

Re-Imagining Socially Engaged Art Building New Ecologies in a Planetary Crisis

Summer School of the Innovative Training Programme FEINART

The Summer School invites researchers, curators, practitioners, artists and advanced students at the Master level and PhD candidates to participate in two days of intense discussions and exchange. During this two-day event, developments and theoretical approaches emerging around Socially Engaged Art will be discussed and reconsidered. 

In times of multiple planetary crises, it is essential to fundamentally re-explore the human relationship to the world and to gain a new understanding of the human/non-human condition. Worldwide there is a growing need for places of alternative theoretical and practical work where new epistemes, new forms of living together in solidarity and new social infrastructures can be explored. Facing these developments, artistic practice also takes on a new role. Building on Socially Engaged Art practices, new alliances beyond the field of art have emerged; economists, anthropologists, sociologists, and artists collaborate in search of self-determined forms of coexistence and modes of collective production and engage with practices of care, new commons, interdependence, and radical imagination. 

Against this backdrop, theorists, artists and experts from Africa, Asia and Europe will shed light on recent theoretical and institutional developments and explore the role of socially and politically intervening art in times of climate emergency, dangerous geopolitical shifts, and mass migration. The focus will be on questions of institutionalisation and forms of organisation, experimentation and knowledge production in Socially Engaged Art. 

Speakers, workshop contributers and artists are: 

Fahyma Alnablsi, Massimo de Angelis, Maria Hlavajova, Elke Krasny, Nomusa Makhubu, Marina Naprushkina, Ahmet Öğüt, Carolina Rito, John Roberts, Christoph Schäfer, Lara Scherrieble, Caique Tizzi, tryniti, Karen van den Berg, Jeanne van HeeswijkYet Chor Sunshine WongMi You


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