Project Management
Learning Outcome
After the successful participation in the course International Project Management the students are able to:
- break down a project into its basic elements
- identify specific needs and targets of international projects
- investigate success factors for executing RE projects, specifically in the development cooperation between Germany and Arab countries
- Defining the terms project and project management
- Cases where project management is necessary and reasonable
- Project objectives, - organisation, - execution
- Exemplary international projects:
- forms, specifics and success factors
- preparation
- team building
- Lecturer: Rao Aamir Ali Khan
- Teaching method: lecture, seminar
- SWS: 2
- Credit points: 2
- Examination: group presentations; assignments; written exam
Learning Outcome
After the successful participation in the course Project Management in Development Cooperation the students are able to:
- use the key elements of project management cycle
- elaborate a project proposal themselves (in a final workshop)
- Key elements of project cycle management (PCM) for using RE
- Logical framework approach
- Various analysis instruments like
- situation analysis
- stakeholder analysis
- problem/objectives/risk analysis
- monitoring and evaluation
- indicator development
- Lecturer: Wolfgang Dewald
- Teaching method: lecture, workshop
- SWS: 2
- Credit points: 2
- Examination: group work results; written exam
Learning Outcome
After the successful participation in the course Energy and Society the students are able to:
- understand the importance of environmental assessment studies
- analyze critically socio-economic effects of RE projects, worldwide as well as regional
- Case studies of energy projects and their social, ecological and economical impacts, e.g. big waterpower projects, oil, gas, and coal exploration projects, wind energy
- Case studies of energy projects which have been blocked
- Analysis of environmental assessment studies
- Study of international environmental standards
- Lecturer: Dieter Gawora
- Teaching method: seminar
- SWS: 1
- Credit points: 1
- Examination: presentation resp. report