

Report on the present and future conference 2024

The Present and Future Conference 2024 opened this year with a strong presence of six graduates of the InterESD study profile. However, the spotlight was not only on the outstanding achievements of the graduates, but also on the networking between the new InterESD students. This networking was one of the main pillars of the conference.

After a warm welcome by Dr. Ellen Chrisoforatou, Managing Director of the Center for Teacher Education, and the handover to the moderator of the day, Jonas Wippermann, a first exchange, led by Jonathan Feik, began in the form of a dynamic so-called "speed dating". The aim of this kick-off was to make new contacts within the study profile and to broaden one's own horizons through the ideas of other students.

The presentations of the first student portfolios started punctually at 2:30 pm. Jonathan Feik opened with a presentation that skillfully tied in with a seminar from the times of Documenta Fifteen and highlighted the topic of extracurricular pop-up learning locations. Johanna Betthausen then took over and presented her work on ESD and sustainable management in elementary school, focusing on innovative learning opportunities outside the traditional classroom.

These impressive contributions were followed by a presentation of three future projects and events at the University of Kassel, which are also in the subject areas of the InterESD study profile. The WeltWeitWissen Congress, the Biology Teaching Bees at the AVZ and the new Bachelor of Sustainability (working title) were presented with great enthusiasm.

A short break introduced the next two graduates, who presented their study profiles and individual specializations. Nina Keller and Amelie Streitz reported on their stays abroad in South America during their studies. Ms. Keller highlighted the living and remote working conditions at the German School Alexander von Humboldt in Lima, while Ms. Streitz shared her experiences at the German School Stiehle Cuenca (private) and the public Unidad Educativa Elias Galarza Arteaga. The discussion about the effects of climate change in South America, worldwide for the education sector and the living conditions of the people formed an important conclusion of these two lectures.

Before finding topics for the upcoming summer conference, the last two graduates of the day presented their study portfolios. Anna Eisenträger focused on the relationship between humans and nature and critically questioned the role of sustainability in teacher training. Jörg Mayer addressed the challenges and opportunities of political education in times of crisis.

During the process of identifying topics for the summer conference, it emerged that environmental and justice issues as well as the effects of a shift to the right on climate-related issues could be potential focal points of the InterESD summer event on 5 July 2024.

The ceremonial presentation of the InterESD study profile certificates rounded off this eventful day. In summary, it can be reported that critical teacher training is of crucial importance in order to enable transformative education in the sense of Education for Sustainable Development. ESD and internationalization go hand in hand, and this day impressively illustrated how living conditions and ways of life interact worldwide and how school education can be a key driver for achieving climate protection goals.