

Summer Conference 2024: "School creates knowledge - knowledge creates school? (!)"

The summer conference with the topic "School creates knowledge - knowledge creates school? (!)" will be opened by Jonas Wippermann, who heads and organizes the InterESD study profile. Charlotte Wolff emphasizes that the exchange is intended to create a bridge between student teachers and research outside of schools at the University of Kassel.

Anette Voigt (Urban Planning) begins by presenting her research projects: "Habitat Großstadt" on animals in cities that move around autonomously. The second project is "PerspekTIERwechsel", which aims to integrate free-living animals and human-animal relationships into architecture, urban planning and landscape planning courses. The first project explains, for example, how to deal with animals in the city (hunting, light pollution, traffic, glass facades) and possibilities of cohabitation between humans and animals.

The second group of Advisers, Master's student Björn Simon and Hilke Manot, will present a research project on the "Development of hybrid construction methods between steel and clay". The focus here is on the circular economy in the construction sector and the recyclability of clay and steel. Building on this, he will report on research into capped ceilings in multi-storey buildings and the various possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of using clay in house construction.

After a short break, PhD student Alexander Edwards will present his research on bumblebee legs and vascular plants. The research focuses on the differentiation of bumblebees based on their DNA and the classification of pollen collected by bumblebee species in order to make better recommendations on how to protect bumblebees.

Finally, Nilda Inkermann gave a lecture on (political) transformation (in) education, focusing on the multiple crisis and the analysis of imperial ways of life and production as well as the theory of hegemony and the understanding of transformation in "global learning".

After the lectures, the students and mentors asked questions to the Advisers and discussions arose about the topics and their connections. Finally, the students, mentors and advisers discussed the possibility of integrating current research topics into school education.