Dates and events

Final conference

On this page you will find information about the final conference and have access to the presentations in pdf format.

Invitation to the final conference of the ErfolgInklusiv project

We cordially invite you to the final conference of the research project "ErfolgInklusiv - Studienerfolg bei Krankheit und Behinderung durch Nachteilsausgleich, Beratung, Gesundheitsförderung und Inklusion" funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The event will take place on Thursday, June 6, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:40 p.m. in the Science Park Kassel.

At the conference, we would like to present our research findings and discuss the following key topics with you:

1. counseling for students with disabilities
2. compensation for disadvantages for students with disabilities
3. health promotion for students: Nice to have or must have?
4. barrier-free study conditions

Our aim is to use the discussion to highlight the different perspectives of those involved in the higher education landscape and the (affected) students and to derive recommendations for action for the inclusive design of study conditions.

The event is aimed at all stakeholders in higher education policy, research and practice in counselling and health promotion, academics, representatives for students with disabilities, students and all interested parties.

Please register by April 15, 2024 using the link below. The number of participants is limited to a total of 70 attendance places. However, participation is also possible digitally. We will inform you shortly after the registration deadline whether you can participate in person and will then also send you the access data for digital participation.

Further information can be found in our flyer.

If you have any queries or technical difficulties, please contact Christina Janßen (email:
We look forward to seeing you!

Science Park Kassel
University Square 12
34127 Kassel

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