Hollederer, A. (2023). Do health, illness and disability influence academic success? Results of a student health survey. WiHo conference "Vielfalt und Chancengerechtigkeit in Studium und Wissenschaft" by BMBF on 5.09.2023 in Berlin.
Hollederer, A.; Römhild, A.; Arnold, J. (2023). ErfolgInklusiv: Report from research on disability and studying at the University of Kassel. FoSS research network at the University of Kassel on 3.5.2023
Hollederer, A. (2023). Health and illness among students at the University of Kassel. Health working group at the University of Kassel on February 20, 2023.
Hollederer, A. (2023). Health, illness and disability among students at the University of Kassel. Conference of the Deans of Studies of the University of Kassel on February 1, 2023.
Römhild, Antje (2022): Associations of student health and academic success: a scoping review. Poster. 1st Mainz Conference on Student Health.
Hollederer, A. (2022). Project "ErfolgInklusiv - Study success with illness and disability through compensation for disadvantages, counseling, health promotion and inclusion": The health science perspective. Rehabilitation colloquium 2022 on 8.3.2022 in Münster.
Welti, F. (2021). Studying without discrimination: On the understanding of disability, barriers and accessibility in higher education Legal considerations for the design of a study program that promotes participation. Symposium "Implementing the UN CRPD in higher education: Building blocks for inclusive studies" - Online symposium of the IBS on November 18/19, 2021
Hollederer, A. (2021). Project "ErfolgInklusiv - Study success with illness and disability through compensation for disadvantages, counseling, health promotion and inclusion". Kick-off event - Research on academic success and dropout II on 11.11.2021 in Berlin.
Welti, F. (2021). Research project of the University of Kassel "ErfolgInklusiv - Study success with illness and disability through compensation for disadvantages, counseling, health promotion and inclusion". Meeting of the Advisory Board of the Information and Advice Center for Studies and Disability (IBS) on October 27, 2021
Hollederer, A. (2021). Project "ErfolgInklusiv - Study success in case of illness and disability through compensation for disadvantages, counseling, health promotion and inclusion". Digital transfer conference of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on April 27-28, 2021.