Prof. Dr. Jan Hemming

Professor, Section: Systematic Musicology

Mönchebergstraße 1
34125 Kassel
Möncheberg 1, Raum 3001
Consultation Hours

Tuesdays 4 - 5 pm
Pre-registration via stredak[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Vita  (Prof. Dr. Jan Hemming)

Born in 1967, studied musicology, philosophy, and physics in Frankfurt am Main and at the Technical University of Berlin from 1989-1995. Research assistant at the University of Bremen from 1997-2000; doctoral thesis there on "Talent and Self-Concept. A qualitative study among semi-professional musicians in rock and pop.". Assistant for systematic musicology at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg from 2000 -2005. Since 2005 professor of systematic musicology at the University of Kassel. Main fields of work: Music psychology and sociology, pop music research, media and technology, music aesthetics of the 20th/21st century, cultural and gender studies, professional political orientation of musicology.

Memberships  (Prof. Dr. Jan Hemming)

seit 01/2006Society for Music Research
Member, Speaker of the Division of Systematic Musicology since 2008
seit 01/2000Society for Popular Music Research (GfPM)
seit 01/1999International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM)
Member; Executive Committee 2001-2003
seit 01/1997German Society for Music Psychology (DGM)
seit 01/1994Umbrella organization of students of musicology (DVSM)
Founding member

News  (Prof. Dr. Jan Hemming)

Publications  (Prof. Dr. Jan Hemming)