Prof. Dr. Verena Freytag

Professor, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education

Mönchebergstraße 1
34125 Kassel
Möncheberg 1, Raum 3023
Consultation Hours

Wednesdays from 13:00 - 14:00 h

Registration via the secretary's office / Jessica Schneidler

Vita  (Prof. Dr. Verena Freytag)

Prof. Dr. Verena Freytag grew up in Hamburg and Münster and studied German and sports (teaching profession) as well as general linguistics at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf. In Düsseldorf, she worked as a freelance radio presenter for a local radio station and in a PR agency.

After completing her second state examination, she worked in sports education and didactics at the universities of Düsseldorf, Giessen and Paderborn and was head of the department "Designing, Dancing, Performing - Gymnastics/Dance" at all locations.

Verena Freytag did her doctorate at the University of Paderborn on creative processes in dance. The title of the qualitative empirical study is: "Zwischen Nullbock und Höhenflug. On the reconstruction of themes within creative processes in dance. Dissertation. Paderborn University Library. digital.ub.uni-paderborn.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:hbz:466:2-8175

She also initiated dance projects at schools and with students and choreographed her own pieces with a student dance group.

Since 2014, she has been Professor of Aesthetic Education and Movement Education at the University of Kassel. She teaches there in the educational and social science core program in elementary school teaching.

Verena Freytag is an expert in dance pedagogy and aesthetic education and is committed to the further development of aesthetic-cultural education in teacher:ing. She has established the study profile "KuPra" (Cultural Practice in Schools) at the University of Kassel and is a founding member of the "Netzwerk Forschung Kulturelle Bildung".

Her work and research focuses on aesthetic and cultural education, dance education, movement education, qualitative research in dance education, and teacher education research in the context of cultural education. One focus is on interdisciplinary cooperation projects with colleagues from different disciplines. Verena Freytag cooperates with researchers from the fields of physical education, art and music didactics, political education, social work, sociology, philosophy and educational science.

Publications  (Prof. Dr. Verena Freytag)