

Here you can find my latest publication on the topic 'Lying in Romantic Relationships,' which was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

I am pleased that Psychology Today reported on it.


2012 - 2015 Bachelor of Science, Business Psychology, Hochschule Osnabrück (Germany)

2015 - 2018 Master of Science, Economic Psychology & Management , University of Kassel (Germany)

2023 Dr. phil, University of Kassel (Germany). Dissertation: "An Investigation of the lie-telling personality type within different social contexts" (Online-Version)


Academic Positions

2017 - 2018 Student Research Assistant, University of Kassel (Germany)

2018 - 2022 Research Associate, Department of Psychology, University of Kassel (Germany)

Since 2022 Postdoc, Department of Psychology, University of Kassel (Germany)


Click here for a full CV

Journal Articles (with Peer Review)

Reinhardt, N., Mikesch, M., Hoppe, L., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2024). Close replication of Paul, Lee, and Anshton (2022): Who tells prosocial lies? Journal of Research in Personality, 112, Article 104525.

Reinhardt, N., Reinhard, M-A., & Bittner-Fäthke, G. (2023). The correlation between Honesty-Humility and attitude toward counterfeit luxury. Italian Journal of Marketing, 2023, 503–519.

Reinhardt, N., Reinhard, M-A., & Schindler, S. (2023). Is peoples’ belief in a just world associated with (dis)honesty in romantic relationships? Journal of Research in Personality, 105, Article 104396.

Harhoff, N., Reinhardt, N., Reinhard, M.-A., & Mayer, M. (2023). Agentic and communal narcissism in predicting different types of lies in romantic relationships. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1146732. 

Reinhardt, N., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2023). Honesty–humility negatively correlates with dishonesty in romantic relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(4), 925–942.

Reinhardt, N., Trnka, L.-M. & Reinhard, M-A. (2022). The correlation of honesty-humility and learning goals with academic cheating. Social Psychology of Education, 26, 211–226. 

Schindler, S., Reinhardt, N., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2022). Challenges in detecting proximal effects of existential threat on lie detection accuracy. Current Psychology, 42, 22114–22126.

Marris, A., Reinhardt, N., & Schindler, S. (2022). The role of just world beliefs in responding to the COVID‐19 pandemic. Social Justice Research, 35, 188–205.

Schindler, S., Reinhardt, N., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2021). Defending one’s worldviews under mortality salience: Testing the validity of an established idea. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology93, 104087.

Reinhardt, N., Wenzel, K., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2019). Am I responsible for my learning success? A study about the correlation between locus of control and attitudes towards and self-reported use of desirable difficulties. Journal of Psychological and Educational Research, 27, 7–24. Online Version.


Journal Articles (without Peer Review)

Reinhardt, N. (2023). An investigation of the lie-telling personality type within different social contexts [Dissertation, University of Kassel]. KOBRA.

Reinhardt, N., & Kanning, U. P. (2015). Sichtung von Bewerbungsunterlagen - Sind Hinweise auf die Leitung von Jugendfreizeitreisen ein sinnvolles Auswahlkriterium? Journal of Business and Media Psychology1, 27–32.

  • Lying behavior in romantic relationships, with my current work focusing particularly on the relationship between Honesty-Humility and the frequency of lying behavior
  • Detection of lies and truth, specifically the influence of the personality trait Honesty-Humility on the tendency to perceive statements as truthful more often (Truth Bias)
  • The influence of various personality traits on dating success and partner choice, with my current work focusing on the influence of Honesty-Humility and Sociosexual Orientation on dating success on the dating app Tinder
  • Belief in a Just World

Honesty-Humility and deception in romantic relationships (supported by a grant of the University of Kassel)

Research indicates that dishonesty in romantic relationships is linked to decreased relational satisfaction, commitment (Cole, 2001) and closeness (DePaulo & Kashy, 1998). Despite these negative consequences, romantic partners are assumed to tell about one lie in every three interactions (DePaulo & Kashy, 1998). The planned research brought together two lines of research, which has not been merged so far: One the one hand, the question about which personality factors affect the prevalence of lying in romantic relationships already provides first insights (e.g., Kashy & DePaulo, 1996), but the investigation of potential associations to Honesty-Humility are missing so far. On the other hand, Honesty-Humility reliably appeared to be the major predictor for dishonesty in economic cheating paradigms (e.g., Hilbig & Zettler, 2015). With the present project, we merged both lines of research to check the hypothesis that Honesty-Humility is also negatively linked to dishonesty within romantic relationships.


Project management: Nina Reinhardt & Marc-André Reinhard


Publication: Reinhardt, N., & Reinhard, M.-A. (2023). Honesty–humility negatively correlates with dishonesty in romantic relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(4), 925–942.