Julia Götzfried
Research Assistant, Section: Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-2027
- julia.goetzfried[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Website
- Julia Götzfried
- Location
- Mönchebergstraße 21a
34125 Kassel
- Room
- Möncheberg 21a, Raum 1220
since 08/2021
Research assistant at the Department of Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching in the project PEER - Podcasts in Teacher Education
(University of Kassel, Department of Human Sciences)
02/2021 - 07/2021
Student assistant in the MOVIE project at the Department of Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching under the direction of Prof. Dr. Frank Lipowsky (University of Kassel, Faculty of Human Sciences)
10/2019 - 10/2021
University of Kassel
Master's program in Empirical Educational Research (degree: Master of Arts)
09/2020 - 01/2021
Research internship in the field of Empirical Educational Research under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Frank Lipowsky (University of Kassel, Department of Human Sciences)
10/2014 - 05/2019
University of Kassel
Studies of teaching at Haupt- and Realschulen with the subjects German and History (Graduation: First State Examination)
Acquisition of the general university entrance qualification
(Albrecht-Altdorfer-Gymnasium, Regensburg)
- Education myths
- Concept change
- Learning with podcasts/digital media
PEER - Podcasts in Teacher Education
- Götzfried, J., Nemeth, L., Bleck, V. & Lipowsky, F. (2022). Revision des Lerntypenmythos durch Konzeptwechselpodcasts im Lehramtsstudium. Unterrichtswissenschaft.
- Götzfried, J., Bleck, V., Nemeth, L. & Lipowsky, F. (2022). Conceptual change using podcasts - Dispelling the learning styles myth among pre-service teachers. Vortrag auf der JURE 2022 Conference, 18.07.2022, Porto.
- Götzfried, J., Nemeth, L., Bleck, V. & Lipowsky, F. (2021). Durch Podcasts mit Mythen aufräumen – Revision des „Lerntypen-Mythos“ durch Konzeptwechselpodcasts. Vortrag auf der 85. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), 13.-15. September 2021.