Dr. Norma Tiedemann
Research Assistant, Section: Social Law related to Rehabilitation and Disability Law
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-7359
- norma.tiedemann[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Website
- Dr. Norma Tiedemann
- Location
- Arnold-Bode-Straße 10
34127 Kassel
- Room
- Arnold-Bode 10, Raum 1314
Post-Yugoslav municipalism: dis/obedient democratic initiatives in Zagreb and Belgrade (2024). South East Europe Review (SEER). Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe: pdf for download.
Ecological Uprisings in the European Periphery: Serbian Environmental Movements against Authoritarian Extractivism (2024). Journal for Development Policy. pdf for download.
Dis/obedient democracy and contested patronage statehood in Southeast Europe. A conjunctural analysis of the municipalist platforms in Zagreb and Belgrade (2024). Frankfurt: Campus.
From municipalism to the Green-Left Party. In Serbia, the municipalist alliance "Ne Da(vi)mo Beograd" becomes a party - and a democratic thorn in the authoritarian state apparatus (2023). Común #8. magazine for urban political interventions. comun-magazin. org/vom-munizipalismus-zur-gruen-linken-partei/
The Manifestation of Authoritarian Populism in Europe: Challenging the Fragile Compromises of Liberal Democracy (2022, with Heiko Bolldorf, Daniela Caterina, Nikolai Huke, Benjamin Opratko, Felix Syrovatka). In: The Crisis and Future of Democracy (Ada-Charlotte Regelmann, ed.). Brussels: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. S.18-69. pdf for download.
Interrupting the neoliberal masculine state machinery? Strategic selectivities and municipalist practice in Barcelona and Zagreb (2022, with Martin Sarnow). Urban Studies. doi. org/10.1177/00420980221101454
Cautious awakening. Social movements turn against the national-conservative government policy in Serbia (2022). Jungle World, May 2022. jungle. world/artikel/2022/19/vorsichtiger-aufbruch?fbclid=IwAR1LET-MJwWPT1hECQrIaWCS7McLTlZWjhTviGYvOAhhaF--q_OrbRF4YB8
Serbian balancing act: Putin-friendly into the EU? (2022). Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, May 2022. www.
Awakening in Zagreb: The new Balkan left (2021). Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, July 2021. www.
Solidarity needs imagination - Review of the anthology "Die Stadt als Stätte der Solidarität" by Niki Kubaczek / Monika Mokre (eds.) (2021).,
Fragile Achievements - Review of "Doppelcharakter der Demokratie. Zur Aktualität der politischen Theorie Franz L. Neumanns in der Krise" by Felix Sassmannshausen (2021). www.
Populism in the pandemic - The deadly consequences of denying reality (2020, with Nikolai Huke). Der Tagesspiegel, 22.08.2020. www.
Municipalist utopia or parliamentary democracy? A commentary on Paul Sörensen's ZPTh contribution (2020). www.
Ne Da(vi)mo Beograd - Fearless Cities in Serbian (2020). In: Común - Magazine for urban political interventions #3. p.47-49. comun-magazin. org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Comun-03-2020.pdf?fbclid=IwAR273RHGJxZg9p1xZcRJbNVVwes-CEy3qD-i7Er5SMoHbru4QCPuhxWS-uA
Authoritarian populism (2020). Carina Book, Nikolai Huke, Norma Tiedemann, Olaf Tietje (eds.). Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
New municipalisms in post-Yugoslav spaces: Democratic ruptures in Zagreb and Belgrade/ Nuevos municipalismos en espacios posyugoslavos: rupturas democráticas en Zagreb y Belgrado. Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals, n.º 123 (diciembre de 2019), p. 93-118. DOI:
Rebel the Crisis? New Municipalisms in South and Southeast Europe (2019, with Martin Sarnow). Research Journal Social Movements. Volume 32, Issue 2. pp. 279-286. www.
Rebellious Cities - Ideas for a Political Future (2019). FAZ, 15.03.2019. Online: https: // #pageIndex_0
Why is municipalism thriving? (2018). In: engagée - political-philosophical interventions, Issue #6/7 on Radical Cities. Online: https: //
"The City belongs to all of us!" Challenging Neoliberal Hegemony by Politicizing Everyday Life - Right to the City Groups in Germany. (2017). New Research in GPE Working Paper No. 02/2017. Department of Social Sciences, University of Kassel. Online:
Space and scale in materialist state theory. The urban dimension of actually existing neoliberalism. (2015). New Research in GPE Working Paper No. 01/2015. Department of Social Sciences, University of Kassel. Online: https: //
"Serbia in Turmoil: Authoritarian Populism in the European Periphery" (2023). Conference of the Society of European Academies in Frankfurt, 27-29.11.2023. The EU in crisis mode: The (new) right in European comparison. Possibilities for political education in times of social polarization
08.12.2021 - Mental illness in (neoliberal) capitalism. Lecture as part of the event series "Mental Health in Studies and Society", AStA of the University of Göttingen.
09.12.2020 - "Neue Munizipalismen in Südosteuropa: mit, in, gegen den Staat?" as part of the event series GrenzKritik Münster. Video recording.
03.05.2019 - Streitbar of the Anne Frank Educational Center, Frankfurt am Main. With Sebastian Winter and Ismail Küpeli. Left-wing populism - opportunities and dangers of left-wing rallies. Video recording.
10.11.2018 - "New municipalisms in Southeast Europe". Panel "Bewegung auf der Straße | im Staat | im Recht -Neue Strukturen und Terrains der Auseinandersetzung" at the annual conference of the Institute for Protest and Movement Research, TU Berlin. protestinstitut. eu/veranstaltungen_uberblick/jahrestagung-2018-der-kontext-lokaler-proteste/
23/24.07.2018 - "The "new" municipalisms - rebellious cities and social movements", with Martin Sarnow, crash course as part of herr*krit - die herrschaftskritische Sommeruni from Kassel. herrkrit. com/die-neuen-munizipalismen-rebellische-staedte-und-soziale-bewegungen-crashkurs/
13.06.2018 - "New Municipalisms - democratic ruptures in neoliberalized nation states?" at the workshop of the Disobedient Democracy project "Who is an Activist? Biographical and Transformative Effects of Protest", Zagreb University. disdem. org/bulletin-board-article/12/
21.06.2017 - Contribution on urban development and struggles for public space at the event "Leerstand, Commons und das Recht auf Stadt" - lecture series "Um_lernen mit Athen", University of Kassel. Audio recording: https: //