In Germany, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has been valid federal law since March 2009. Consequently, the realization of inclusive education and the rights of people with disabilities is strengthened. Germany guarantees in Article 24 of the UN CRPD, an "inclusive education system at all levels and lifelong learning" (Federal Government Commissioner for the Affairs of Persons with Disabilities). The aim is for people with and without disabilities to attend school together in a mainstream school. This leads to an increase in inclusion. This is because children and young people with special needs no longer automatically have to go to a special school. If we compare the extent of inclusive learning in the individual special education areas for Germany as a whole, the area of emotional and social development is the most inclusive at 43.2 percent. Accordingly, teachers are relatively likely to have students with the special focus of emotional and social development in their classrooms during the course of their professional lives. However, many teachers are not prepared for such tasks. In order to make it easier for students in the preparatory service to deal with children and adolescents with the special focus on emotional and social development, the workshop takes up the central question of how teachers can work with students with emotional and social support needs. It also asks what prerequisites must be in place for successful teaching.