Katrin Leitner
Adjunct Lecturer, Section: Aesthetic and Movement Education
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- Katrin Leitner
Katrin Leitner was born in 1974 in Nuremberg. She lives and works in Kassel.
2014 Scholarship, Sculptors' Symposium, Künstlergut Prösitz.
2013 Project funding by the Dr. Wolfgang-Zippel-Stiftung, Kassel Lecturer for art teaching, Gustav-Stressemann Gymnasium, Bad Wildungen.
2012 Lecturer for art education and art teaching at the Kunsthochschule Kassel practical and theoretical seminar for documenta 13
2011 Lecturer for experimental drawing at the Kunsthochschule Kassel practice-oriented courses
2009 purchase of works by the Dr. Wolfgang-Zippel-Foundation for the Artothek Kassel
2006-2007 first scholarship of the Walter-Heilwagen-Foundation Kassel one-year project-work- and catalog-scholarship < Flusser under construction >
2004 Work purchase of the Dr. Wolfgang-Zippel-Foundation for the Artothek Kassel
2002 winner of the Kassel Art Prize of the Dr. Wolfgang-Zippel-Foundation 1st prize winner, art competition, AGV-Associations North Hesse
2001 - 2005 Study of visual communication/new media at the Kunsthochschule Kassel Artistic graduation with distinction Master student of Prof. Rolf Lobeck
1996 - 2001 Study of Fine Arts at the Kunsthochschule Kassel with Rob Scholte, Udo Koch, Daniel Richter, Jason Rhoades, Olaf Nicolai, Carsten Nicolai, Marlene Dumas, Milan Kunc, Penny Yassour, Hans Platschek Artistic graduation with distinction
2014 < Licht(e)wege >, Lichtkunst auf den Weinbergterassen, Kassel < Lesezeich(n)en >, Kasseler Museumsnacht, documenta Archive and Dock4, Kassel.
2013 < HÜX'L XL_Labor Phase_8.0_ >, Frappant Galerie, Hamburg < Tansformer'z_in_between >, Galerie Chrämerhuus, Langenthal, Switzerland < HÜX'L-Drawing'z>, 1.ter Kunstsalon, Galerie Schnüffler, Kassel
2012 < Furchtbar- Schön >, Gallery Coucou, Kassel < HÜX'L XL_Lichtlabor_. Raumschaffen 04 _ Lichter Ort >, Gallery of the Future, Hamburg
2011 < HÜX'L XL_Outdoorlab_6 _Light Islands >, Siebenbergen Island, Karlsaue State Park, Kassel < Moraltarantula #5 >, Zollamt Oberhafen, Hamburg < Samowar 2 >, Coucou Gallery, Kassel < Galerie auf Zeit > Kassel
2010 < Samowar >, Gallery Coucou, Kassel < Moraltarantula 4 >, Gängeviertel, Hamburg
2009 < HÜX'L XL_Labor Phase_5.0_Nautilus >, Städtische Galerie Nordhorn < HÜX'L XL_Interphase 5.5 >, U.f.o.-Galerie, Halle < SKAMend >, S:K:A:M, Hamburg < Gigi-Art-Fair >, Gigi-Art-Space, Hamburg < Moraltarantula 3- the Summer of Reason >, Gängeviertel, Hamburg
2008 < Moraltarantula 2 >, Elektrohaus St. Georg, Hamburg < Password >, Kunsttempel, Kassel < HÜX'L XL_The Hunters 4.0 >, Nord Art-Kic, Kunst in der Karlshütte, Rendsburg, Büdelsdorf < Fifty-Fifty >, Kunsttempel, Kassel
2007 < Flusser under construction >, Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel < HÜX'L XL_Flashback _Reflektorphase_A >, Westwerk, Hamburg < HÜX'L XL_The Hunt-pink-psycho-plasma-pig >Product, Festival for Contemporary Art Varna, Bulgaria < HÜX'L XL_The Hunters >, Galerie Filter/Hamburg and Saekkers/Eindhoven, Holland < HÜX'L XL_The Hunters >, Monitoring, 24.tes Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival
2006 < HÜX'L XL_Labor Phase_03_Xmass the spot >, Driaocht Arts Center Blanchardstown, Dublin, Ireland < HÜX'L XL_Labor Phase_02_Ding Dong >, Art Festival of the Senseo-Art-Initiative, Hamburg < HÜX'L XL_Bauzaunentertainment_Durchblick 2006_Interphase_2,5 >, Kulturbahnhof, Kassel < HÜX'L XL_MdK_Meisterwerke der Kritzelei >, Kunsttempel, Kasseler Museumsnacht < HÜX'L XL_Chemotronic_Lab_Noise >, 23.tes Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival < Do you know anyone here? >, 8th artist festival , Kulturbahnhof, Kassel
2005 < Game Over - New Game >, Centre for Culture & Debate, Sofia, Bulgaria < HÜX'L XL_Labor Phase_01_Landsuche >, Gallery Studio 44, Genova, Italy < HÜX'L XL_Wurzelbehandlung_00 >, S.K.A.M. , Hamburg < Visual Games 05 >, Contemporary Art Festival, Varna, Bulgaria < Exground >, 18th Film Festival, Wiesbaden < Silence, Image, Man >, Städtische Galerie, Museum Lüdenscheid < goEast >, 5th Festival of Central and Eastern European Film, Wiesbaden < Media-Wave-Festival >, Gyoer, Hungary
2013 < HÜX'L XL_Labor Phase_8.0_ >, Frappant Galerie, Hamburg Performance Tansformer'z_in_between >, Galerie Chrämerhuus, Langenthal, Switzerland Kassel 1100 - Future project: " Dream your city 2030": multi-day art workshop "Urbanier- die Weltenbauer" for secondary school students of Wilhelmsgym- nasium, Documenta-Halle, Kassel Project- "Light inside - das Licht in mir" multi-day art/multimedia and performance workshop with presentation event in collaboration with Karin Balkenhol and eighth grade students, Gesamtschule Fuldatal/Iringshausen
2012 < HÜX'L XL_Lichtlabor_Raumschaffen 04 _ Lichter Ort >, Galerie der Zukunft, Hamburg, one-week, artistic workshop design, project work on the topic of light and exhibition presentation of class 1A of the German-Turkish cultural school Heinrich-Wolgast, St. Georg Hamburg.
< Mindmapping - documenta 13 >, teaching assignment for art pedagogy and teaching at the Kunsthochschule Kassel, artistic-practical accompaniment of the seminar of Prof. Tanja Wetzel
< Open-Cluster-Project >, and < Along the Line> Kunsthochschule Kassel practical courses for experimental drawing at the Kunsthochschule Kassel
< A Year of Theory and Practice >, Kassel course with video and photo project, as well as documentation design for students of the Max-Eyth- Schule; commissioned by the Jugendbildungswerk of the city of Kassel in collaboration with Udo Wendt
< HÜX'L XL_Labor Phase_02_Ding Dong >, art festival, Hamburg Four-week continuous performance by the artist group HÜX'L XL (Bernhard Hümmer, Walter Peter, Katrin Leit- ner) within the laboratory installation during the festival. Performance actions with over twenty children's garden groups (lab tours, amoeba diploma, experiments and design of the lab garden) and VJing with various musicians.
< Around the World - Welten im Koffer - Das bloße Leben > Exhibition design of the action and presentation day of the Kasseler Jugendring and the children and youth network and the exhibition advisory board of documenta 12, Kassel.
2005 <Gamma Quadrant > organization of the artist and studio community and action platform, Fuldatalstraße, (Milen Miltchev, Oliver Scharfbier, Walter Peter, Benne Ender)
2004 <Chekk dizzz out> Exhibition and project organization of the group exhibition at the Kulturbahnhof, Kassel, Germany
2003 <Chekk dizz out> exhibition planning and realization, curation of the group exhibition at Kulturbahnhof, Kassel. < Paradize Garden_ Terra-Forming-Project_Plastic-Farmers >, artist group project < Alpha-Crew > Interactive, multimedia, multidimensional life and project installation in the former police headquarters at the Altmarkt, Kassel. Participation in the Kassel Museum Night with guided tours and workshop actions.
< Check-Point-Alpha-Plus > Beginning of the artistic collaboration of the < Alpha-Crew >, large-scale installation and studio foundation in collaboration with täglichdigital, Benne Ender, Jan Nordthoff, Walter Peter and guest professor Jason Rhoades in the former police headquarters at the Altmarkt, Kassel.
< Mural Global > Design development and realization of a mural on the facade of the Elisabeth-Knippig-School Kassel, in collaboration with the artist Daniel Ortitz, as well as the students and art teachers. Mural project of Agenda 21 and Farbfieber e.V. under the patronage of UNESCO.
2001 < Chillis in Chongqing > Workshoplead in collaboration with Prof. Ursula Panhans-Bühler(Khs Kassel),Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, China.