Carola Cropp
Research Assistant, Section: Clinical Psychology I
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-7660
- cropp[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Room
- Holländische 36-38, Raum 3110
WiSe 2020/2021
Psychische Störungen und Therapie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen / psychodynamisches Seminar
SoSe 2021
Psychische Störungen und Therapie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen / psychodynamisches Seminar
WiSe 2021/2022
Psychodynamische Fallkonzeption und Behandlungsplanung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
Vertiefungsseminar zur Vorlesung Störungslehre
Empirisches Projektseminar „OPD-KJ-2 Ratings bei Kindern“
SoSe 2022
Berufsqualifizierende Tätigkeit II – Psychodynamische Oberseminare (KJP)
WiSe 2022/2023
Psychodynamische Fallkonzeption und Behandlungsplanung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
Fallseminar zur Berufsqualifizierenden Tätigkeit III (ambulant)
Psychotherapieforschung in der Praxis
Professional background:
1999 - 2001: Studies of German language and literature and media science (M.A.), Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Germany
2001 - 2007: Studies of Psychology (Diploma), University Koblenz-Landau
Topic of diploma thesis: Treatment experience and treatment success in inpatient psychotherapy with children and adolescents at NLKH Tiefenbrunn
2005: Study visit at the Universitá degli Studi di Padova (Italy)
2020: Doctorate (Dr. phil.), University of Kassel, Germany
Dissertation topic: Inpatient psychodynamic psychotherapy in adolescents with a combined disorder of social behavior and emotions: Results of a randomized controlled efficacy trial.
2013 - 2022: Training as a child and adolescent psychotherapist (analytic and depth psychology-based psychotherapy) at the Lou Andreas-Salomé Institute in Göttingen.
Professional activity:
10/2006 - 02/2021: Research assistant, individual therapist and psychological ward manager at the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Asklepios Fachklinikum Tiefenbrunn.
Since 03/2021: Research assistant and lecturer for special tasks at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Kassel
Articles in professional journals
Cropp, C., Salzer, S. & Streeck-Fischer, A. (2022). The psychoanalytic-interactional method (PIM) in adolescents with combined disorder of social behavior and emotions. Results of a randomized-controlled therapy study. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy 3/2022, 259-269.
Cropp, C. & Claaßen, B. (2021). The OPD-CA-2 axis interpersonal relations: a helpful tool for treatment planning? Relationship patterns of adolescent patients with persistent intrapsychic conflicts, structural deficits and trauma sequelae disorders. Nordic Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/19012276.2021.2003233.
Cropp, C. & Claaßen, B. (2021). Reliability and validity of the OPD-KJ conflict questionnaire in hospitalized adolescents. Journal of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy,49 (5), 377-385.
Cropp, C., Kuchinke, L. & Streeck-Fischer, A. (2021). Inpatient psychodynamic therapy in children and adolescents with complex ADHD. Results of a naturalistic clinical trial. Practice of child psychology and child psychiatry, 70, 520-540.
Rabung, S., Pranjic, C., Stingl, C., Cropp, C., Krischer, M., Kronmüller, K.-T., Meisel, B., Müller, A., Müller-Göttken, T., Reich, G., Schepker, R., Streeck-Fischer, A., Taubner, S., Timmermann, H. & Windaus, E. (2021). Evidence for psychoanalytically based procedures for children and adolescents. Practice of child psychology and child psychiatry, 70, 479-498.
Cropp, C., Taubner, S., Salzer, S. & Streeck-Fischer, A. (2019). Psychodynamic psychotherapy with severely disturbed adolescents: Changes in reflective functioning. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, DOI:10.1080/15289168.2019.1643212.
Cropp, C., Alexandrowicz, R.W. & Taubner, S. (2019). Reflective functioning in an adolescent community sample. Mental Health and Prevention, 14, 200156.
Cropp, C. (2017). The psychoanalytic-interactional method (PIM): a psychodynamic treatment approach for adolescents with severe structural disorders. Practice of child psychology and child psychiatry, 66(6), 435-444.
Cropp, C., Salzer, S. & Streeck-Fischer, A. (2016). Changes in psychological structure during inpatient psychodynamic treatment of adolescent patients with a combined disorder of social behavior and emotions. Practice of child psychology and child psychiatry, 65(5), 328-339.
Salzer, S., Cropp, C. & Streeck-Fischer, A. (2015). The psychoanalytic-interactional method for treating adolescent patients. Psychodynamic psychotherapy, 14, 172-181.
Cropp, C., Zimmermann, J. & Streeck-Fischer, A. (2014). Traumatization in development-different courses of inpatient psychotherapy in adolescent patients with and without traumatization. Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics, Medical Psychology, 64(8), 328-335.
Salzer, S., Cropp, C., Jaeger, U., Masuhr, O. & Streeck-Fischer, A. (2014). Psychodynamic therapy for adolescents suffering from comorbid disorders of conduct and emotions in an inpatient setting: a randomized controlled trial. Psychological Medicine, 44, 2213-2222.
Salzer, S., Cropp, C. & Streeck-Fischer, A. (2014). Early intervention for Borderline Personality Disorder: psychodynamic therapy in adolescents. Psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, 60, 368-382.
Cropp, C., Salzer, S., Häusser, L. & Streeck-Fischer, A. (2013). Interrater reliability and construct validity of the OPD-KJ Axis Structure - Initial research findings on the use of the Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostic in Childhood and Adolescence (OPD-KJ) in routine clinical practice. Practice of Child Psychology and Child Psychiatry, 62(4), 270-284.
Cropp, C., Kepper-Juckenack, I. & Streeck-Fischer, A. (2012). Trauma consequences in the body. Trauma and Violence, 6(3), 230-237.
Cropp, C., Streeck-Fischer, A., Jaeger, U., Masuhr, O., Schröder, A. & Leichsenring, F. (2008). The relationship between treatment experience and treatment outcome in inpatient psychotherapy with children and adolescents. Journal of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy, 36(3), 205-214.
Book chapter
Claaßen, B. & Cropp, C . (2020). The cyclical maladaptive relationship pattern (CMP) model. In R. Fliedl, C. Cropp, K. Zajec (Eds.), The relationship axis of the OPD-KJ-2. Clinical application and conceptual extensions. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Cropp, C. & Claaßen, B. (2020). Connections between the relationship axis and the other axes of the OPD-KJ-2. In R. Fliedl, C. Cropp, K. Zajec (Eds.), The relationship axis of the OPD-KJ-2. Clinical application and conceptual extensions. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Cropp, C., Zajec, K. & Claaßen, B. (2020). Reported relationship episodes. In R. Fliedl, C. Cropp, K. Zajec (Eds.), The relationship axis of the OPD-KJ-2. Clinical application and conceptual extensions. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Cropp, C. & Claaßen, B. (2020). The OPD-KJ-2 axis relationship as a helpful tool for focus formation in treatment planning: Characteristic features of relationship dynamics of adolescent patients with conflict pathology, structural disorder, and trauma sequelae disorder. In I. Seiffge-Krenke, K. Schmeck (Eds.), Diagnostic and therapeutic work with the OPD-KJ-2. A casebook. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Fliedl, R., Zajec, K., Juen, F., Cropp, C., Noske, J., Singer, V., Kaiser, J., Claaßen, B. & Riediger, B. (2020). Guidance on rating. In R. Fliedl, C. Cropp, K. Zajec (Eds.), The relationship axis of the OPD-KJ-2. Clinical application and conceptual extensions. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Cropp, C. & Salzer, S. (2018). Psychodynamic therapies in childhood and adolescence. In G. Berberich, M. Zaudig, C. Benecke, H. Saß & J. Zimmermann (Eds.). Personality disorders - Update on theory and therapy. Stuttgart: Schattauer.
Fliedl, R., Cropp, C. & Zajec, K. (Eds.) (2020). The relationship axis of the OPD-KJ-2. Clinical application and conceptual extensions. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Streeck-Fischer, A., Cropp, C., Streeck, U. & Salzer, S. (2016). Borderline disorders in adolescents - The psychoanalytic-interactional method.Göttingen: Hogrefe.