

Farnaz Keyvandarian
Tel.: +49 561 804-7740




1998 - 2003

Psychologie Studium

Universität Bern

2003 - 2006


Universität Bern

2004 - 2009

Psychotherapie-Weiterbildung (Approbation)

Universität Bern

2006 - 2012


Universität Bern

2009 - 2011

Post-doc für fortgeschrittene Forscher

University of Wisconsin, USA

2009 - 2020

Alliance in Adult Psychotherapy


2011 - 2015


Universität Zürich

2013 - 2015

Supervision-Weiterbildung (Approbation Supervision)

Universität Zürich

2015 - 2016

Dozentur für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

Universität Bern



Universität Zürich


Leitungsgremium der Fachgruppe Psychotherapie

Föderation der Schweizer Psycholog*innen

Seit 2022

Abteilungsleiter für Klinische Psychologie II

Universität Kassel

Seit 2013

Herausgeber (Wissenschaft-Forschungs-Netzwerk)

Psychotherapie im Dialog

Seit 2006

Ausbilder in Weiterbildungen (Psychotherapie / Gesundheitspsychologie / Positive Psychologie)

Schweiz, Deutschland,


2019 - 2024

Editor-In-Chief (peer reviewed Wissenschaftszeitschrift)

Psychotherapy Research


Research GateGoogle ScholarWeb of ScienceOcird

Flückiger, C., Munder, T. & Schürmann-Vengels, J. (2024). Evidenzbasierte Praxis lernen – Multiperspektivische Kompetenzentwicklung am Beispiel der generalisierten Angststörung. PPmP - Psychotherapie · Psychosomatik · Medizinische Psychologie

Braus, N., Flückiger, C., Wichmann, J., Frankman, C., Lang, A. & Hunger-Schoppe, C. (2024). Is symptom outcome the whole story?—A multilevel meta-analysis of systemic therapy for adults including family system functioning. Psychotherapy Research, 1–14.

Grevenhaus, C. J., Flückiger, C., Theimer, L. & Benecke, C. (2024). Does technique matter? A multilevel meta-analysis on the association between psychotherapeutic techniques and outcome. Research in Psychotherapy Psychopathology Process And Outcome27(2).

Flückiger, C. (2024). Understanding the patients’ concept of the alliance—One step back to take two steps forward. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology92(7), 385–387.

Schürmann‐Vengels, J., Flückiger, C., Reyer, E., Odyniec, P. & Willutzki, U. (2024). The Impact of Mental Imagery Instructions on Patients’ and Therapists’ Positive Affect and Strength‐Based Behaviours Within Psychotherapy Sessions: A Randomized Controlled Process Study. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy31(4).

Wiegand-Grefe, S. & Flückiger, C. (2024). Persönlichkeitsstörungen. PiD - Psychotherapie Im Dialog25(02), 14–15.

Iovoli, F., Flückiger, C., Penedo, J. M. G., Engelhardt, J. H., Kaschlaw, H. H., Lauterbach, R., Wester, R. A. & Rubel, J. A. (2024). The relationship between interpersonal problems and therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy: A three-level mixed-effects meta-analysis. Psychotherapy61(3), 198–211.

Flückiger, C., Willutzki, U., Holtforth, M. G. & Wampold, B. E. (2024). Psychotherapy works – An inclusive and affirming view to a modern mental health treatment. Clinical Psychology in Europe6(Special Issue).

Schaeuffele, C., Meine, L. E., Schulz, A., Weber, M. C., Moser, A., Paersch, C., Recher, D., Boettcher, J., Renneberg, B., Flückiger, C. & Kleim, B. (2024). A systematic review and meta-analysis of transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapies for emotional disorders. Nature Human Behaviour8(3), 493–509.

Allemand, M., Olaru, G., Stieger, M. & Flückiger, C. (2024b). Does realizing strengths, insight, and behavioral practice through a psychological intervention promote personality change? An intensive longitudinal study. European Journal Of Personality

Allemand, M., Olaru, G., Stieger, M. & Flückiger, C. (2024a). Intervention-related correlated change between personality traits and self-esteem. Consulting Psychology Journal

Probst, G. H., Wolf, M., Vîslă, A. & Flückiger, C. (2023). How resilient are former CBT patients with generalized anxiety disorder in times of COVID-19? A follow-up study considering post-treatment depressive symptoms. Journal Of Affective Disorders Reports15, 100701.

Klatte, R., Strauss, B., Flückiger, C. & Rosendahl, J. (2023). Adverse events in psychotherapy randomized controlled trials: A systematic review. Psychotherapy Research, 1–16.

Stieger, M., Flückiger, C. & Allemand, M. (2023). One year later: Longer‐term maintenance effects of a digital intervention to change personality traits. Journal Of Personality

Flückiger, C. & Del Re, A. C. (2023). Do some theory-specific psychotherapies outperform others (relative efficacy)? A stepwise approach to contextualizing the results of randomized controlled trials with direct psychotherapy comparisons. In American Psychological Association eBooks (S. 7–24).

Penedo, J. M. G., Rubel, J., Meglio, M., Bornhauser, L., Krieger, T., Babl, A., Muiños, R., Roussos, A., Delgadillo, J., Flückiger, C., Berger, T., Lutz, W. & Holtforth, M. G. (2023). Using machine learning algorithms to predict the effects of change processes in psychotherapy: Toward process-level treatment personalization. Psychotherapy60(4), 536–547.

Probst, G. H., Miller, S. D., Bargmann, S. & Flückiger, C. (2023). Mental health of help‐seeking outpatients pre and post COVID‐19: A real‐world data, multicentre study. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy31(1).

Solomonov, N., Victoria, L. W., Lyons, K., Phan, D. K., Alexopoulos, G. S., Gunning, F. M. & Flückiger, C. (2023). Social reward processing in depressed and healthy individuals across the lifespan: A systematic review and a preliminary coordinate-based meta-analysis of fMRI studies. Behavioural Brain Research454, 114632.

Olaru, G., Van Scheppingen, M. A., Stieger, M., Kowatsch, T., Flückiger, C. & Allemand, M. (2023). The effects of a personality intervention on satisfaction in 10 domains of life: Evidence for increases and correlated change with personality traits. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology125(4), 902–924.

Barkham, M., De Jong, K., And, J. D. & Lutz, W. (2023). Routine outcome monitoring. In Oxford University Press eBooks (S. 429–471).

Farber, B. A., Hill, C. E., Knox, S., Eubanks, C. F., Muran, J. C. & Norcross, J. C. (2023). Affirmation/Validation, Self-Disclosure, Immediacy, and Rupture Repairs. In Oxford University Press eBooks (S. 28–52).

Flückiger, C., Munder, T., Del Re, A. C. & Solomonov, N. (2023b). Strength-Based methods. In Oxford University Press eBooks(S. 472–501).

Walther, A., Ehlert, U., Schneeberger, M., Eggenberger, L., Flückiger, C., Komlenac, N., Heald, A., Rice, T., Palm, S., Seidler, Z. E., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., Oliffe, J. L., Rice, S. M., Kealy, D., Weber, R. & Zimmermann, D. (2023a). Evaluation of a male-specific psychotherapeutic program for major depressive disorder compared to cognitive behavioral therapy and waitlist: study protocol for a six-arm randomized clinical superiority trial examining depressed eugonadal and hypogonadal men receiving testosterone. Frontiers in Psychiatry14

Penedo, J. M. G. & Flückiger, C. (2023). Interpersonal problems as a predictor of outcome in psychotherapy for depressive and anxiety disorders: A multilevel meta-analysis. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology91(10), 562–573.

Gómez-Penedo, J. M., Babl, A., Dyresen, A., Fernández-Álvarez, J., Flückiger, C. & Holtforth, M. G. (2023). Problem mastery and motivational clarification as mechanisms of change in cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research And Therapy167, 104343.

Köllner, V. & Flückiger, C. (2023). Psychotherapie in Krisenzeiten. PiD - Psychotherapie Im Dialog24(02), 14–15.

Probst, G. H. & Flückiger, C. (2023). Folgen der Pandemie auf die psychische Gesundheit. PiD - Psychotherapie Im Dialog24(02), 34–37.

Vîslă, A., Probst, G. H. & Flückiger, C. (2023). Symptom severity in daily life, early response and posttreatment changes in anxiety and depressive symptoms in generalized anxiety disorder. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy30(4), 907–912.

Flückiger, C., Munder, T., Del Re, A. C. & Solomonov, N. (2023a). Strength-based methods – a narrative review and comparative multilevel meta-analysis of positive interventions in clinical settings. Psychotherapy Research33(7), 856–872.

Lindner, S., Stieger, M., Rüegger, D., Kowatsch, T., Flückiger, C., Mehl, M. R. & Allemand, M. (2023). How Is Variety in Daily Life Related to the Expression of Personality States? An Ambulatory Assessment Study. European Journal Of Personality38(2), 172–188.

Jaeggi, S. M., Weaver, A. N., Carbone, E., Trane, F. E., Smith-Peirce, R. N., Buschkuehl, M., Flueckiger, C., Carlson, M., Jonides, J. & Borella, E. (2023). EngAge – A metacognitive intervention to supplement working memory training: A feasibility study in older adults. Aging Brain4, 100083.

Wolfer, C., Hilpert, P. & Flückiger, C. (2023). Therapist Interpersonal Behavior: An Investigation of Various Constructs and Underlying Abilities. Verhaltenstherapie33(1), 39–47.

Olaru, G., Stieger, M., Rüegger, D., Kowatsch, T., Flückiger, C., Roberts, B. W. & Allemand, M. (2022). Personality change through a digital-coaching intervention: Using measurement invariance testing to distinguish between trait domain, facet, and nuance change. European Journal Of Personality38(2), 141–157.

Probst, G., Vîslă, A. & Flückiger, C. (2022). Patients’ symptoms and strengths as predictors of long-term outcomes of CBT for generalized anxiety disorder – A three-level, multi-predictor analysis. Journal Of Anxiety Disorders92, 102635.

Flückiger, C. & Hoyer, J. (2022). Angst- und Sorgenmodelle in der modernen Kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie. PiD - Psychotherapie Im Dialog23(03), 17–23.

Schauenburg, H., Flückiger, C. & Köllner, V. (2022). „Wo die Angst ist, geht es lang“. PiD - Psychotherapie Im Dialog23(03), 13–14.

Caspar, F., Berger, T., Holtforth, M. G., Babl, A., Heer, S., Lin, M., Stähli, A., Penedo, J. M. G., Holstein, D., Egenolf, Y., Frischknecht, E., Krieger, T., Ramseyer, F., Regli, D., Schmied, E., FlüCkiger, C., Brodbeck, J., Greenberg, L., Carver, C. S., . . . Belz, M. (2022). The impact of integrating emotion focused components into psychological therapy: A randomized controlled trial. Journal Of Clinical Psychology79(2), 296–315.

Lopez-Alcalde, J., Yakoub, N., Wolf, M., Munder, T., Von Elm, E., Flückiger, C., Steinert, C., Liebherz, S., Rosendahl, J., Witt, C. M. & Barth, J. (2022). The RIPI-f (Reporting Integrity of Psychological Interventions delivered face-to-face) checklist was developed to guide reporting of treatment integrity in face-to-face psychological interventions. Journal Of Clinical Epidemiology151, 65–74.

Vîslă, A., Allemand, M. & Flückiger, C. (2022). Within‐ and between‐patients associations between self‐efficacy, outcome expectation, and symptom change in cognitive behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder. Journal Of Clinical Psychology79(1), 86–104.

Schürmann-Vengels, J., Victor, P. P., Odyniec, P., Flückiger, C., Teismann, T. & Willutzki, U. (2022). A mental imagery micro-intervention to increase positive affect in outpatient CBT sessions (PACIfIC): Study protocol of a randomized controlled implementation trial. Clinical Psychology in Europe4(2).

Lo Coco, G., Gullo, S., Albano, G., Brugnera, A., Flückiger, C. & Tasca, G. A. (2022). The alliance-outcome association in group interventions: A multilevel meta-analysis. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology90(6), 513–527.

Nißen, M., Rüegger, D., Stieger, M., Flückiger, C., Allemand, M., Wangenheim, F. V. & Kowatsch, T. (2022). The Effects of Health Care Chatbot Personas With Different Social Roles on the Client-Chatbot Bond and Usage Intentions: Development of a Design Codebook and Web-Based Study. Journal Of Medical Internet Research24(4), e32630.

Penedo, J. M. G. & Flückiger, C. (2022). Therapists’ perceptions of interpersonally challenging patients in generalized anxiety disorder. Psychotherapy Research33(1), 45–56.

Flückiger, C., Carratta, K., Del Re, A. C., Probst, G., Vîslă, A., Penedo, J. M. G. & Wampold, B. E. (2022). The relative efficacy of bona fide cognitive behavioral therapy and applied relaxation for generalized anxiety disorder at follow-up: A longitudinal multilevel meta-analysis. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology90(4), 339–352.

Allemand, M., Gmür, B. & Flückiger, C. (2022). Does extraversion increase following a three‐hour flirt training? Exploring two training routes. Scandinavian Journal Of Psychology63(3), 265–274.

Flückiger, C. (2022). Alliance. Cognitive And Behavioral Practice29(3), 549–553.

Allemand, M. & Flückiger, C. (2022). Personality Change through Digital-Coaching Interventions. Current Directions in Psychological Science31(1), 41–48.

Klatte, R., Strauss, B., Flückiger, C., Färber, F. & Rosendahl, J. (2022). Defining and assessing adverse events and harmful effects in psychotherapy study protocols: A systematic review. Psychotherapy60(1), 130–148.

Vîslă, A., Stadelmann, C., Watkins, E., Zinbarg, R. E. & Flückiger, C. (2022). The Relation Between Worry and Mental Health in Nonclinical Population and Individuals with Anxiety and Depressive Disorders: A Meta-Analysis. Cognitive Therapy And Research46(3), 480–501.

Flückiger, C. & Holtforth, M. G. (2022). Bedürfnisorientierung in der Psychotherapie: Motivorientierte Beziehungsgestaltung und ressourcenorientierte Gesprächsführung. In Psychotherapie: Praxis (S. 137–146).

Flückiger, C. & Rubel, J. (2022). Wohlbefinden als Therapieziel – Ziele gemeinsam formulieren und umsetzen. In Psychotherapie: Praxis (S. 25–35).

Solomonov, N., Victoria, L., Lyons, K., Alexopoulos, G. S., Gunning, F. M. & Fluckiger, C. (2022). Social Reward Processing in Depressed and Healthy Individuals: A Coordinate-Based Meta-Analysis of fMRI Studies. SSRN Electronic Journal

Wolfer, C., Hilpert, P. & Flückiger, C. (2022). Interpersonelles Therapeutenverhalten: Eine Untersuchung unterschiedlicher Konstrukte und zugrunde liegender Fähigkeiten. Verhaltenstherapie32(4), 176–185.

Wampold, B. E., Imel, Z. & Flückiger, C. (2018). Die Psychotherapie-Debatte: Was Psychotherapie wirksam macht [dt. Adaption of the Great Psychotherapy Debate]. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Frank, R. & Flückiger, C. (Eds.) (2022). Therapieziel Wohlbefinden (4. Ed.). Berlin: Springer.

Flückiger, C. & Wüsten, G. (2021). Ressourcenaktivierung – Manual für Psychotherapie und Beratung (3. Ed.). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Flückiger, C., Wüsten, G., Zinbarg, R. E. & Wampold, B. E. (2010). Resource activation – Using the client’s own strengths in psychotherapy and counseling. Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe.

Wiegand-Grefe, S. & Flückiger, C. (2024). Persönlichkeitsstörungen. PiD - Psychotherapie Im Dialog25(02), 14–15.

Schauenburg, H., Flückiger, C. & Köllner, V. (2022). „Wo die Angst ist, geht es lang“. PiD - Psychotherapie Im Dialog23(03), 13–14.

Flückiger, C. & Hoyer, J. (2022). Angst- und Sorgenmodelle in der modernen Kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie. PiD - Psychotherapie Im Dialog23(03), 17–23.

Klein, T. A., Flückiger, C. & Guthke, T. (2021). Neuropsychologische Störungsbilder. PiD - Psychotherapie Im Dialog22(04), 34–37.

Guthke, T., Flückiger, C. & Klein, T. A. (2021). Neuropsychologische Psychotherapie – ein Überblick über therapeutische Ansätze. PiD - Psychotherapie Im Dialog22(04), 18–25.

Broda, M. & Flückiger, C. (Eds.) (2020). Männer. Psychotherapie im Dialog. Stuttgart: Thieme.

Rufer, M. & Flückiger, C. (Eds.) (2019). Praxis und Forschung im Diskurs - Essentials der Psychotherapie. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Flückiger, C. & Schauenburg, H. (Eds.) (2019). Therapeutische Kompetenz. Psychotherapie im Dialog. Stuttgart: Thieme.

Flückiger, C. & Wiegand-Grefe, S. (Eds.) (2018). E-Mental Health. Psychotherapie im Dialog. Stuttgart: Thieme.

Wiegand-Grefe, S. & Flückiger, C. (2018). Ein Thema, das es auszusitzen gilt, bis sich die Wogen geglättet haben? PiD - Psychotherapie Im Dialog19(04), 104–105.

Flückiger, C. & Köllner, V. (Eds.) (2017). Achtsamkeit und Selbstfürsorge in der Psychotherapie. Psychotherapie im Dialog. Stuttgart: Thieme.

Flückiger, C. & Köllner, V. (2017). Von der Profession zur Konfession? PiD - Psychotherapie Im Dialog18(04), 14–15.

Flückiger, C. & Köllner, V. (2017). Von der Profession zur Konfession? PiD - Psychotherapie Im Dialog18(04), 14–15.

Flückiger, C. & Köllner, V. (Eds.) (2016). Arbeitswelt und psychische Störungen. Psychotherapie im Dialog. Stuttgart: Thieme.

Brocsa, M. & Flückiger, C. (Eds.) (2015). Risiken in der Psychotherapie. Psychotherapie im Dialog. Stuttgart: Thieme.

Flückiger, C. (Ed.). Craske, M. & Barlow. D. (2015). Meistern Sie Angst und Sorgen. Generalisierte Angststörung bewältigen – Ein Patientenmanual. Bern: Hogrefe.

Flückiger, C., Wüsten, G., Zinbarg, R. E. & Wampold, B. E. (2010). Resource activation – Using the client’s own strengths in psychotherapy and counseling. Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Flückiger ist Editor-In-Chief (2019-2024) der Wissenschaftszeitschrift Psychotherapy Research der international Society of Psychotherapy Reserach (Impact Factor: 3.77). Empirische Fachbeiträge können online eingereicht werden: