
Dr. Juan Martín Gómez Penedo started a Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter position in the Clinical Psychology Department at University of Kassel in 2024. He studied and got the licensed in Psychology at University of Belgrano (Argentina) and made a post-graduate training in Cognitive Therapy at University of Mar del Plata (Argentina). In 2018 he completed his doctoral studies at University of Buenos Aires, investigating individual difference in psychotherapeutic process effects on outcome. He had a research at University of Massachusetts (US) and postdoctoral studies at University of Bern (Switzerland), University of Trier (Germany) and University of Zürich (Switzerland).
Dr. Juan Martín Gómez Penedo had published more than 80 papers in highly-impact peer-reviewed journals focused in psychotherapy research. He is currently an associate editor at the scientific journal Psychotherapy Research.