Juri Kilian
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Fachgebiet Theorien und Methoden der Sozialpädagogik
- Telefon
- +49 561 804-3060
- juri.kilian[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Website
- Juri Kilian
- Standort
- Arnold-Bode-Straße 10
34127 Kassel
- Raum
- Arnold-Bode 10, Raum 3212
Juri Kilian is a research assistant and PhD candidate at the school of social work, University of Kassel. He is interested in inter- and transnational perspectives of social work, community work (with a focus on housing and discrimination), anti-racist and anti-oppressive concepts of social work, social sustainability and different ways of knowing and knowledge production, residential youth care, transitions to adulthood.
Global outreach and exchange are essential basis and inspiration.
As a social worker, he has several years of experience in different professional fields (residential youth care, care leave unit, school social work, community outreach youth work, adult education).
Juri Kilian ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Doktorand am Institut für Sozialwesen der Universität Kassel. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind inter- und transnationale Perspektiven der Sozialen Arbeit, Community Work (v.a. Wohnen und Diskriminierung), anti-rassistische und de-koloniale Soziale Arbeit, Soziale Nachhaltigkeit und verschiedene Formen von Wissen und Wissensproduktion, Heimerziehung und Übergänge ins Erwachsenenalter.
Globale Vernetzung und Austausch sind Essenz und Inspiration.
Als Sozialarbeiter hat er mehrere Jahre Praxiserfahrung in verschiedenen Feldern gesammelt (stationäre und ambulante Jugendhilfe, Schulsozialarbeit, Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit, Erwachsenenbildung).
James, S. & Kilian, J. (2023). Residential care for children and youth in Germany: A participatory rights-based approach. In J. K. Whittaker, L. Holmes, J. F. del Valle, & S. James (Eds.), Revitalizing residential care for children and youth. Cross-national trends and challenges (Ch.15). New York: Oxford University Press.
James, S., Wilczek, L., Kilian, J., Timonen-Kallio, E., Bravo, A., del Valle, J.F., Formenti, L., Petrauskiene, A., Pivoriene, J., & Rigamonti, A. (2022). A comparative analysis of residential care – a 5-country multiple case-design study. Child & Youth Care Forum, 51, 1031-1062.
James, S. & Kilian, J. (2021). Soziale Arbeit in den USA und die angloamerikanische. In R.-C. Amthor, B. Goldberg, P. Hansbauer, B. Landes & T. Wintergerst (Hrsg.). Kreft/Milenz - Wörterbuch Soziale Arbeit. Beltz Juventa.
Kilian, J. (2020): Youth care transitions of young adult refugees in Germany – which lessons can we learn for the new decade? In: Sacramento, O., Challinor, E., & Silva, P. G. (Eds.) (2021). Quest for refuge: Reception responses from the Global North. Famalicão: Humus
Kilian, J. (2020): Forschungsnotiz. Bericht zum zweiten Forschungskolloquium 2019 von IGfH und ISS, 21.-22. Oktober in Frankfurt am Main. In Forum Erziehungshilfen 1/2020 IGFH
James, S., Seidel, F.A., Kilian, J., & Trostmann, J. (2020). Labor market integration of young adult refugees in Germany – triangulating perspectives toward program development. Research on Social Work Practice, 30(5), 553-563.
Kilian, J. & Bendix, D. (2020): Refugee Resistance against Deportation in Germany, Post-Deportation, and Social Work. In Austrian Annual Review of Social Work 1/2020
James, S., Kilian, J., Seidel, F., Trostmann, J. & Milwa, D. (2019): „Fit für Ausbildung“. Eine Evaluation eines Projekts zur Ausbildungsvorbereitung von jungen Geflüchteten. Universität Kassel: Kassel
Kilian, J. (2018): Migration, emerging adulthood and youth care in contemporary Germany. In D. Keller, K. O´Neill, H. Nicolaisen, D. Schugurensk & K. Villasenor (Eds.): Social Pedagogy and Social Education – Bridging Traditions and Innovations. Arizona: Social Pedagoy Association
Kilian, J. (2018): Lebenssituationen von jungen Geflüchteten in Deutschland im Kontext der Jugendhilfe. In B. Wartenpfuhl (Ed.): Soziale Arbeit und Migration. Konzepte und Lösungen im Vergleich. Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Kilian, J. (2018): Jugendhilfe für junge Erwachsene im Kontext Fluchtmigration. In R. Braches-Czyrek, T. Kallenbach, L. Stahl & C. Müller (Eds.): Bildungs- und Teilhabechance geflüchteter Menschen. Barbara Budrich
Kilian, J. & Zito, D. (2013): Jugendhilfe und junge Flüchtlinge – Soziale Arbeit als Menschenrechtsprofession. In W. Thole, K. Bock, U. Sander & S. Grabowsky (Eds.): Jugend. Hilfe. Forschung. Hohengehren: Schneider
Colonial Continuities and Migration. Invited speaker at panel discussion. München, June 2024
War in Israel/Palestine and its impact on German society. Summer School Global perspectives on Social Work, University of Lapland, Finnland, May 2024
Working with parents, families and beyond in residential care - a qualitative study of "expert" perspectives. EUSARF Conference Univesity of Sussex. Brighton/UK, September 2023
Ethnografische Feldnotizen aus der Friedensbewegung. Workshop zu kritischer Gesellschaftsforschung. LMU. München, Juni 2023
Ethnographic Thoughts on the Emergence of a New Social Peace Movement in Germany. Summer School Global perspectives on Social Work, University of Lapland, Finnland, May 20204
Panel moderation in cooperation with Cerita Buchanan (Unviersity oft he West Indies, Jamaica) for the lecture of Prof. Lynne Healy „The Sustainable Development Agenda from a Social Work Perspective“. Kassel, January 2021
Family Work in Residential Care. ERCCI Conference, Bicocca University Mailand, Italien, January 2020 (with Prof. Sigrid James, Laura Liebtrau, Marianne Graws, Marina Scholand)
Empowering residential child care through interprofessional training. IGFH / ISS Forschungskolloquium, Frankfurt am Main, October 2019
Social Work and Diversity. Summer School Global perspectives on Social Work, University of Lapland, Finnland, May 2019 (with Robel Afeworki Abay)
Residential Care in Germany. ERCCI Conference. University of Vilnius, Litauen, March 2019 (with Prof. Sigrid James, Vivien Steffens, Pauline Schröder)
Empowerment in the context of Emerging Adulthood and Migration. NORSA Conference Power and Social Work, University of Helsinki, November 2018
Jugendhilfe im Kontext von Fluchtmigration und jungem Erwachsenenalter. Bundeskongress Soziale Arbeit, Universität Bielefeld, September 2018
Working on the social. TISSA Konferenz, Universität Ljubljana, Slowenien. August 2018
James, S. / Kilian, J. / Seidel, F. / Trostmann, J. (2018): Labor market integration of young refugees in Germany - triangulating perspectives. Joint world conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Dublin, Irland, Juli 2018
Young people on the move – care leave transitions in Germany. Joint world conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Dublin, Irland, Juli 2018
Seidel, F., Kilian, J., James, S.: Wege in die Ausbildung für junge Geflüchtete. DGSA Jahrestagung, HAW Hamburg, April 2018
Kilian, J., Seidel, F., James, S.: Labor market integration of refugees – perspectives of company instructors. Konferenz European Social Work Research Association, University of Edinburgh, Schottland, April 2018
Migration and emerging adulthood – social work with young refugees in Germany. CRISOWO Konferenz, Kigali, Ruanda, März 2018
Changes towards ´the social´ in contemporary Germany. Konferenz Social Pedagogy and Social Education – Bridging Traditions and Innovations, Universität Puebla, Mexiko, Februar 2018
Care leave transitions. International Conference in Social Work, Universität Bukarest, Rumänien, November 2017
Young people on the move – transitions of young refugees in Germany. TISSA conference, University of Warmia and Mazury, Polen, August 2017
Social Work with refugees – perspectives from Germany. Conference Association of Caribbean Social Work Educators, University of West Indies, Jamaika, Juni 2017
Migration to Europe – Reflections on global transformations. Summer School Global perspectives on Social Work, University of Lapland, Finnland, Mai 2017
Young people on the move – care leaver in Germany. TISSA conference, Ghent University, Belgien, August 2016
Social Work in times of the refugee crisis – perspectives from Germany. Summer School Global perspectives on Social Work, University of Lapland, Finnland, Mai 2016
Transnational identities - socialization patterns in a globalized world. Global Partnership on Transformative Social Work conference, USA, Oktober 2015
Transnational and transcultural lifeworlds of young people in foster care systems. TISSA conference, University of Sarajewo, Bosnien-Herzegovina, August 2015
Germany´s “new” cultural diversity – transformation processes and social work perspectives. Summer School Global Perspectives on Social Work, University of Lapland, Finnland, Mai 2014
Associate Member Global Partnership Network (GPN) University of Kassel
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Arbeit
Internationale Gesellschaft für Erzieherische Hilfen (IGFH)
International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW)
Antidiskriminierungsnetzwerk Nordhessen
Mieterbund Nordhessen
Bündnis für bezahlbares Wohnen Stadt Kassel (AG Zugang und Anti-Diskriminierung)
Lebensbrücke Haiti e.V.
Buchkinder Kassel e.V.