Study offer
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German Studies (Bachelor of Arts)
Brief description
Already in the first semesters, the study program imparts the basic knowledge in the field of German language and literature independent of the professional field in close connection with the professional field-related handling of texts and the practical orientation to possible professional fields.
This is continued in the focus of the elective compulsory area, the occupational field-related project work and the acquisition of key competences. An internship of 8 weeks serves to test the skills acquired in the course of study in a professional context.
Admission requirements and examination regulations can be foundhere >>
German Studies with binational option (Master of Arts)
Starting with the winter semester 2014/2015, there is the M.A. German Studies with binational option. One degree program, two choices.
Option 1: German Studies
Option 2: German Studies with a binational focus with an integrated semester abroad at the University of Szeged/Hungary and with a double degree.
Further information about the binational study program can be found >> here
Admission requirements and examination regulations can be found >>here
Elementary school teaching (L1)
Brief description
The program trains elementary school teachers in three subjects. Mathematics and German are compulsory subjects; a further subject can be freely chosen from the range of subjects. For the subjects art, music and sports, an artistic entrance examination or a sports practical aptitude test must be taken . The educational and social science core study program teaches the pedagogical components that correspond to the scope of a fourth teaching subject.
Graduates with the degree "First State Examination for the Teaching Profession at Elementary Schools" can apply for the traineeship. This takes place in the school and is accompanied by seminars . After the traineeship the second state examination is taken, which includes the teaching qualification for the teaching profession at elementary schools.
Admission requirements and further information can be found here >>.
Teacher training at secondary schools (L2)
Brief description
The program trains secondary school teachers in two subjects, which can be freely chosen and combined from the range of subjects. For the subjects art, music and sports, an artistic entrance examination or a sports practical aptitude test must be taken. In the core studies in education and social sciences, the pedagogical parts are taught, which correspond to a third teaching subject in terms of scope.
Graduates with the degree "Erste Staatsprüfung für das Lehramt an Hauptschulen und Realschulen" (First State Examination for the Teaching Profession at Secondary Schools) can apply for the Referendariat (traineeship). This takes place in the school and is accompanied by seminars . After the traineeship the second state examination is taken, which includes the teaching qualification for the teaching profession at Hauptschulen and Realschulen.
Admission requirements and further information can be found here >>.
Teacher training at grammar schools (L3)
Brief description
The program trains high school teachers in two subjects, which can be freely chosen and combined from the range of subjects - with the exception of art and music - these subjects cannot be studied together. For the subjects art, music and sports, an artistic entrance examination or a sports practical aptitude test must be taken. In the core studies of education and social sciences, the pedagogical parts are taught, which correspond to a third subject in terms of scope.
Graduates who have passed the "First State Examination for the Teaching Profession at Grammar Schools" can apply for the traineeship. This takes place in the school and is accompanied by seminars . After the traineeship the second state examination is taken, which includes the teaching qualification for the teaching profession at grammar schools.
Admission requirements and further information can be found here >>.