The contributors and their contributions
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Introduction text
Tyra Stephan
Lyrics about clichés
Clichés - Teaching profession: Julian Schlich
Clichés - Subject German: Melanie Benzing
FAQ texts
FAQ-L3: Laura Israel and Rabea Pöppe
FAQ-Bachelor: Eileen Schreckenbach and Janina Berninger
FAQ-Internship: Anna Zinke (Bachelor) and Johanna Tretner (Lehramt)
FAQ-Linguistics: Laura Newport
FAQ Literary Studies: Lena Langhoff and Manuel Franz
FAQ Media Science: Anja Pawliczek
FAQ Masters: Anna Westphal, Sina Philipps and Stefanie Lipfert
Texts about experiences
Interview: Sara Engelhard
Career prospects before graduation: Sophia Feuring
Career prospects after graduation: Max Dorn
Texts about studying in Kassel
Johann Lange and Sarah Koch