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P9 Strasbourg 2017 project presentation
P9: Project presentations at international colloquium of the Franco-German University in Strasbourg
Migration, multilinguisme et éducation en France et en Allemagne: repenser la notion d'inclusion
Migration, multilingualism and education in France and Germany: Critical perspectives on inclusion
Migration, multilingualism and education in France and Germany:
Critical perspectives on inclusion
On 31.05.17 and 01.06.2017, the Franco-German University hosted an international, socially highly relevant, trilingual (German/French/English) colloquium on "Migration, multilingualism and education in France and Germany: critical perspectives on inclusion" at the ESPE de l'Académie de Strasbourg in Strasbourg. The co-applicant was the University of Kassel. Prof. Dr. Claudia Finkbeiner organized a section with important contributions to two PRONET projects of field of action III, "Multilingualism potentials in bilingual subject teaching" (P9) and "Interlocking study workshops" (P5).
For P9, Prof. Dr. Claudia Finkbeiner, together with Dr. Jennifer Schluer and Anna Petzoldt, spoke in German and English on multilingualism in bilingual subject teaching and its potentials for diversifying learning communities (project management: Prof. Dr. Claudia Finkbeiner, Prof. Dr. Bernd Tesch and Prof. Dr. Christine Pflüger). Results of the project and teaching materials developed in the project for bilingual subject teaching in the subject history on the topic "Stunde Null" were presented and discussed.
In addition, another interesting input followed from Dr. Sabrina Schude and Prof. Dr. Claudia Finkbeiner in English and German, which addressed the interlocking of the study workshops at the University of Kassel in general and the work of the Integrated Study Workshop Languages of the Department 02 in particular. The topic "Fremdheit" (foreignness) was presented by Dr. Schude as an overarching theme for the interlocking of all participating study workshops. Prof. Dr. Finkbeiner then used the concrete example of the "ABCs Model of Cultural Understanding" to explain how it is implemented in the Study Workshop Languages, Department of English. Both presentations were followed by a stimulating discussion and question and answer session. Overall, the contributions met with a very high level of interest and participation in the two-day international colloquium was very profitable.
Prof. Dr. Claudia Finkbeiner, Anna Petzoldt, Dr. Sabrina Schude, Dr. Jenifer Schluer