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State thesis won this year's Martin Lehnert Prize of the German Shakespeare Foundation
Our colleague Ms. Regina Kaminski has won this year's Martin Lehnert Award of the German Shakespeare Foundation with her state examination thesis "The effect of a theater workshop on Shakespeare on the attitudes of students". This was awarded to her on 22.04.2018 during the spring conference of the German Shakespeare Society in Weimar. In her work, Regina Kaminski investigated the effect of workshops offered to school students as part of the Shakespeare Festival in Neuss on learners' attitudes using a pre- and post-test. The work has already been awarded the Martin Wagenschein Prize of the Center for Teacher Education at the University of Kassel's Teacher Graduation Ceremony in December 2017. It will soon be published in the series Studium und Forschung of the ZLB. We warmly congratulate Ms. Kaminski on this success!
Prof. Dr. Claudia Finkbeiner & Team