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Regina Kesting

Pedagogical staff: Foreign language learning and teaching: Didactics of the English language

Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5
34125 Kassel
Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, 4026
Consultation Hours

Monday: 1:00-2:00 pm

Short Bio  (Regina Kesting)

In 2002, I started my teacher training program in English and Catholic Religion at the University of Kassel. From July 2003 to December 2003, I studied abroad (Erasmus) at the University of Surrey, England, and from August 2006 to October 2006, I completed an internship in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. From November 2006 to April 2007, I worked as a student assistant in the research project ADEQUA under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Finkbeiner and Prof. Dr. Ludwig (Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Research & Intercultural Communication). From February 2005 to July 2010, I was working in the International Tutoring program at the Student Services of the University of Kassel. I completed my studies with the first state examination in 2008.

My own teaching practice in schools began in 2005 at the Josef-von-Eichendorff-Schule, where I was responsible for remedial teaching and homework supervision in the lower grades for over two years. From 2008 to 2010, I completed my teacher training at the Ursulinenschule Fritzlar and concluded it in August 2010 with the second state examination.

Subsequently, I worked at the König-Heinrich-Schule, teaching both middle and upper school levels. Since 2011, I have been teaching as a secondary school teacher at the Friedrich-List-Schule Kassel, consistently in the advanced and basic course areas of Catholic Religion (bilingual) and English. This involves annual involvement in both oral and written high school graduation examinations, ensuring a high level of proficiency. Additionally, I have been the head of the Religion department since 2011 and served as the head of the English department from September 2013 to September 2018. I regularly teach in the field of legal and administrative assistants as well.

During the 2020/21 school year, I taught veterinary medical assistants at the Willy-Brandt-Schule in Kassel on Tuesdays, in a building very well equipped for digital learning, providing me with new insights into vocational schools.

Since 2012, I have been involved in the training of future teachers through mentoring activities for pre-service teachers and students in cooperation with Stephan Mason, University of Kassel. In October 2017, I received the teaching assignment for School-based Practical Studies II, and since February 2022, I have been a pedagogical employee in the field of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Research.

Areas of Interests, Publications, Presentations and Workshops  (Regina Kesting)

Areas of Interests:

  • Motivation within language learning and teaching from L1 to L2.
  • Cognition strategies of words and phrases - activation of passive knowledge
  • Implementation of new technologies such as VR and AI
  • Reading and understanding
  • Production, development and assessment of text on secondary level
  • Extracurricular learning environments


Publications (March 17th, 2023)


Presentations and Workshops

Since 2013, development and implementation of the concept of learning guidance - individual support and guidance of learners in the area of self-responsibility and the design of individual learning processes through advisory discussions with a systemic background.


Since 2014, project: "We're off then" with students on the Camino de Santiago in Germany, Portugal, and Spain.

2014/15/16/17 Westphalian Way of St. James: Höxter-Paderborn

2021 Scandinavian Way of St. James: Puttgarden-Lübeck

2022 Portuguese Way of St. James: Porto-Santiago de Compostela

2013/14 Organization and project planning "Trialogue of Cultures: Remembering Roots - Shaping the Future".

2014 Project "Youth Debates" with K. Fabian.

2015 Planning and implementation of teacher training for the "Redesign of Teaching in Relation to the Core Curriculum in English and Development of Uniform Correction Standards".

Since 2016, European School Project exchange with Helsinki Business College (annual) and successful participation in World Skills competitions with Teemu Vesalainen

2017 Planning of the art project for Documenta 14 "Learning from Athens"

2017-2019 Further training in school pastoral care: Life, Orientation, Companionship. Focus topics: Conversation/Mediation, Transactional Analysis, Networking, Emergency- and Crisis Management, Dealing with Conflicts and Bullying, Companionship in Farewell, Death, and Grief. Since 2019, school chaplain of the Friedrich-List-Schule, Kassel.

Since 2018, initiation and development of the project and Fulbright cooperation: Meet US - Americans in Conversation with School Classes.

2022 Participation in Erasmus+ project CoGI+ (Cooperation Germany Israel).

5/2023 International cooperation on AI with Kibbutzim College and Tel Aviv University in Israel under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Miri Shonfeld (Tel Aviv) and Prof. Dr. Claudia Finkbeiner (Kassel).