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Julia Kersten

Pedagogical staff: Foreign language learning and teaching: Didactics of the English language

Image: Julia Kersten
Portrait picture of Julia Kersten
Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5
34125 Kassel
Consultation Hours

Dienstags: 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr

Short Bio  (Julia Kersten)

From 2014 to 2018 | studied primary education at the University of Kassel. I studied the subjects Mathematics, German and English.

The title of my academic paper was"Bilingual teaching and learning in primary education.

An empirical study on the conception, implementation and realization of the concept at the Swiss International School in Kassel." In June 2019 I completed my studies with the first state examination.

I completed my teacher training at the Albanischule in Göttingen. As part of the teacher training, I also underwent professional development in teaching German as a Second Language. In January 2020 | concluded my teacher training with the second state examination.

Since February 2020 I've been working at the Carl-Anton-Henschel Schule in Kassel, where I engage as a form teacher, an English teacher, a staff council representative and as a part of the coordination group for school development. Our focus in school development is on performance evaluation, connected to this the abolition of numerical grading and the acquisition of the German language and social interaction.

Additionally, I served as a mentor for future English teachers, meaning students who completed their practical teaching in English at our school and as a mentor for teachers in training.

In the winter semester of 2022/23, I received a teaching assignment and conducted a seminar at the University on teaching methodology and approaches for teaching English to primary school learners.

Since August 2023, I have been a pedagogical employee in the faculty of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Research, where I conduct seminars on teaching methodology and the School-based Practical Studies (SPS) II.

Areas of Interests, Publications, Presentations and Workshops  (Julia Kersten)

Areas of Interests:

  • Multilingualism
  • Early language learning
  • Content and Language Integrated Learning
  • Language assessment for primary school learners
  • Digital tools in the EFL classroom
  • Teaching listening and speaking (communicative competences)