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School workshop "Conspiracy theories - and how to make them credible linguistically"
Date: 18.09.2024 Time: 09:00 - 13:00 Location: KW5 In cooperation with the school authority for the district…Oil price explosion, bank crash, corona pandemic | Crises - and how they are made credible using language
David Römer & Hanna Poloschek Lecture at the conference "Crises as Impulses for German Studies? Considerations,…Conspiracy theories cognitive-semantic - Guest lecture by Sören Stumpf
Guest lecture in the seminar "Fundamentals of Cognitive Semantics" Prof. Dr. Marie-Luis Merten, University of ZurichFrankfurter Debatte über die Sprache - Sprache und Verschwörungstheorien
Im Dezember 2020 forderte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel dazu auf, zu der Frage zu forschen, wie man in eine Welt gerate,…