Research stays
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The research stays should, for example, facilitate bibliographical research and work on their research projects for the Arab and German members of the research group. Another goal is to network the scientists and to ensure the further training of the participants as well as the supervision of their scientific work. In 2013, 2014, and 2015, young Tunisian scholars from various disciplines (literary studies, linguistics, sociology, ethnology, philosophy) spent a month-long research stay at the University of Kassel:
- Dr. Moez Maataoui (ISEAH Gafsa/ FLAH La Manouba)
- M.A. Ina Khiari-Loch (ISSH Mednine)
- Dr. Karim Khadhraoui (ISLAI Béjà)
- Dr. Brahim Moussa (ISL Tunis)
- M.A. Imen Taleb (FLAH La Manouba)
- Dr. Soumaya Mestiri (Uni Tunis)
- Dr. Moez Maataoui (Uni Gafsa/ FLAH La Manouba)
- M.A. Ina Khiari-Loch (ISSH Mednine)
- Dr. Karim Khadraoui (ISLAI Béjà)
- M.A. Ali Jridi (FLAH La Manouba)
- M.A. Imen Taleb (FLAH La Manouba)
- Dr. Mongi Serbaji (High School Houmt-Souk - Djerba)
- Dr. Khaled Chaabane (FLAH La Manouba)
- Dr. Brahim Moussa (ISL Tunis)
- M.A. Ina Khiari-Loch (ISSH Mednine)
- Dr. Mongi Serbaji (High School Houmt-Souk - Djerba)
- M.A. Imen Jridi (Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales de Tunis)
- M.A. Soumaya Bidouh (Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales de Tunis)
In 2014, Dr. Steffi Hobuß and Victoria Luh (Leuphana University of Lüneburg) completed a research stay in Tunis. Dr. Sarah Schmidt (BBAW - HU Berlin) and Dr. Franziska Dübgen (University of Kassel) will also undertake a research stay in Tunis in 2015.