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Dr. Katharina Gaida
Research assistant and doctoral candidate in the field of Protestant religious education
Contact us
University of Kassel
Institute for Protestant Theology - FB 02
34109 Kassel (postal address)
34127 Kassel (Visitor address)
E-mail: katharina.gaida[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Phone: +49 561 8043-489
Academic career
Since 2020 Research assistant at the Institute for Protestant Theology at the University of Kassel in the Department of Religious Education
- 2018 - 2020 Lecturer for special tasks at the Institute for Protestant Theology at the University of Kassel in the field of religious education
- 2018 Student assistant at the Institute for Protestant Theology at the University of Kassel in the field of religious education
- 2016 - 2017 Student assistant at the Institute for Educational Sciences at the University of Kassel in the field of primary school education
- 2014 - 2018 Studied German studies, mathematics and Protestant theology for the teaching profession at elementary school at the University of Kassel
Academic self-administration
Since 2022: Contact person for the study profile "Interreligious Competencies"
- Since 2019: Representative of the interests of mid-level academic staff at Protestant theology faculties and Institutes of Protestant Theology in Germany
Further training
- Since 02/2022: Completed training as a communication trainer/communication consultant (Central German Institute for Continuing Education)
Stays abroad
- 04/2024 - 05/2024: Work-Shadowing at the University of Vienna (Catholic Faculty: Practical Theology, Islamic Theology: Islamic Religious Education)
- 02/2022 - 03/2022: Work-Shadowing at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (Catholic Faculty: Practical Theology,
Systematic Theology, Religious Studies, Master and Doctoral Studies in Religious Studies, Center for Intercultural Theology and Study of Religions) - 03/2020 - 03/2020: English and International Communication Skills for Tertiary Education, Executive Training Institute, Malta
- 08/2019 - 09/2019: Oaklands Primary School, Hanwell, Ealing, London, U.K. Work shadowing especially with regard to the subject Religious Education
- Since 2021: Membership of the European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR)
- Since 2021: Member of the Society for Scientific Religious Education e.V.
- Since 2020: Co-organizer of the Kassel Trialogue Day
Funding partnerships
- 2019 - 2023, annually: QSL funds: FB02, Humanities and Cultural Studies
- 2019/2020: QPL funds: Coordination Office for Service Learning and Social Engagement at the University of Kassel
- 03/2019: QSL funds: Family Welcome and Dual Career Service
- 01/2019: Competition of the special fund "Structural Equal Opportunities"
- Interreligious learning in educational contexts
- Dealing with religious and cultural diversity in the school context
- Developing interreligious and intercultural skills
- Empirical research in religious education (qualitative)
- Religion and ethics
- Dissertation project: Promoting the ability to empathize and change perspectives in interreligious encounters in primary school children - A qualitative-empirical study of the university education program "Children's Academy - World Religions in Dialogue"
Textbooks and textbook materials
- Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra (ed.) (2023): Spuren lesen 1/2 Schülerbuch - Edition 2023 for elementary school. Edited by Carolin M. Altmann, Ulrike von Altrock, Hans Burkhardt, Petra Freudenberger-Lötz, Katharina Gaida, Ulrike Itze and Brigitte Zeeh-Silva. Stuttgart: Calwer; Braunschweig: Westermann.
- Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra (ed.) (2023): Spuren lesen 1/2 workbook - 2023 edition for elementary school. Edited by Carolin M. Altmann, Ulrike von Altrock, Hans Burkhardt, Petra Freudenberger-Lötz, Katharina Gaida, Ulrike Itze and Brigitte Zeeh-Silva. Stuttgart: Calwer; Braunschweig: Westermann.
- Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra (ed.) (2023): Spuren lesen 1/2 Handreichung für Lehrkräfte - Edition 2023 for elementary school. Prepared by Carolin M. Altmann, Ulrike von Altrock, Hans Burkhardt, Petra Freudenberger-Lötz, Katharina Gaida, Ulrike Itze and Brigitte Zeeh-Silva. Stuttgart: Calwer; Braunschweig: Westermann.
- Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra (ed.) (2023): Spuren lesen 1/2 picture cards - 2023 edition for elementary school. Edited by Carolin M. Altmann, Ulrike von Altrock, Hans Burkhardt, Petra Freudenberger-Lötz, Katharina Gaida, Ulrike Itze and Brigitte Zeeh-Silva. Stuttgart: Calwer; Braunschweig: Westermann.
Articles in journals and anthologies
- Elementary school religion. A warm welcome. About hospitality in the religions, in: Schmitt, C. (ed.), Vielfalt leben, 2023, issue 3, p. X - X (expected publication in fall 2023)
- Religion 5 - 10: What to look out for when dealing with the Torah, Bible and Koran - do's and don'ts when dealing with the Holy Scriptures, in: Kaloudis, A. / Neebe, G. (ed.), Heilige Schriften, 2023, issue no. 51, p. 20 - 23
- "And how is that with you?" A practice-oriented seminar on interreligious learning in a cooperation between the Sara Nussbaum Center for Jewish Life and the University of Kassel, in: Sara Nussbaum Center (ed.), Haskala Magazine, 2023, pp. 10 - 11
- Change of perspective - empathy - language sensitivity. Empathic and language-sensitive speaking as a central competence of interreligious teaching and learning, in: Massud, Abdel-Hafiez / Hild, Christian (eds.), Religionslehrer*innen als Akteure in der multireligiösen, (RKBG), 2022, 2nd year, vol. 2, (pp. 77-99) (together with Christian Espelage, Katharina Gaida, Rebecca Niehoff & Annegret Reese-Schnitker)
- The "Kinderakademie - Weltreligionen im Dialog" at the University of Kassel, in: Espelage, Christian, Mohagheghi, Hamideh & Schober, Michael (eds.), Interreligiöse Öffnung durch Begegnung. Foundations - Experiences - Perspectives in the Context of Christian-Islamic Dialogue, 2021, pp. 329-337 (available at
- Gaida, K. (2021). Children's Academy - World Religions in Dialogue. An educational and vacation program for children. Engagiert studiert. 10 years of service learning at the University of Kassel. Anniversary brochure with 17 exemplary courses. p. 22 & 23 (available at
- 2021: Founding member of the project team for the "Only Human!" training series in cooperation with the Protestant Youth Kassel
- 2021: Foundation of the educational program MELTINGPOT (?) - Interreligious Learning through Encounter (a cooperation with the Sara Nussbaum Center for Jewish Life), see also the article by J. F. Tornau in the Haskala Magazine(PDF) about university teaching in cooperation with the Sara Nussbaum Center
- Since 2020: Lending system of religious objects "Suitcase of World Religions" for students and lecturers
- 2019: Member of the project group for the design of a spatial concept for the Room of Silence, University of Kassel
- 2018: Foundation of the Children's Academy - World Religions in Dialogue
- Since 11/2023: Contact person for the teacher training course "Interreligious Encounter Learning - A Didactics of World Views" 2023/2024 in Essen (together with Prof. Dr. Katja Boehme, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Manuel Lorenz and Dr. Darjusch Bartsch, among others)
Project support at schools
- Since 04/2023: Religious education support and advice at three schools (Sek I) in Kassel on concepts of dialogical learning in pluralistic contexts in RE (together with the RPI Kassel and the diocese of Fulda)
- With the I to the You: The dignity of the child as a religious education approach to respect in interreligious learning in elementary school religious education. Event: Teacher training at the PILGRIM schools. Institute for Religious Education and Diversity, Private University College of Teacher Education Burgenland (Austria). Expected in fall 2024.
- Glasses of interreligious learning. Event: Ecumenical meeting point for all types of schools. RPI Kassel, 20.08.2024, Kassel.
- Conflict prevention and conflict resolution strategies in classrooms. Event: Teacher training at the Heidelberg University of Education, 11.06.2024, Heidelberg.
- "World religions" as a content area in ethics. Event: Study day "Interreligious learning in the subject of ethics at elementary school". Further training for the acquisition of the teaching qualification for elementary school and the teaching qualification for elementary school in the subject of ethics. Hessian Teachers' Academy, 10.06.24, Weilburg.
- How can interreligious learning succeed in the subject of ethics - basics, possibilities and challenges? Event: Study day "Interreligious learning in the subject of ethics at elementary school". Further training for the acquisition of the teaching qualification for elementary school and the teaching qualification for elementary school in the subject of ethics. Hessian Teachers' Academy, 01.12.23, Frankfurt a.M.
- Interreligious Learning in Religious Education - Between Own and Other, Between Known and Unknown. Event: Ecumenical Day of Religious Education, RPI Marburg and the Diocese of Fulda, 21.03.2023, Marburg.
Workshops (in selection)
- Interreligious education as a central category in the teacher training program at the University of Kassel. Insights into the "Kinderakademie Weltreligionen im Dialog" and the "Studienprofil Interreligiöse Kompetenz". Conference: Children's and youth theology - interreligious. University of Bochum, 11.03.2024, Bochum.( together with Prof. Dr. PetraFreudenberger-Lötz, Prof. Dr. AnnegretReese-Schnitker , Julia Drube, Protestant & Catholic Theology, University of Kassel)
- Festivals in the religions - basics, teaching material, potentials and stumbling blocks. Event: Teacher training as part of the religious education support and counseling at schools. RPI Kassel, 14.02.2024, Kassel. (together with Anke Trömper, RPI Kassel)
- Festivals in the religions - basics, teaching material, potentials and stumbling blocks. Event: Teacher training as part of the religious education support and counseling at schools. RPI Kassel, 20.06.2023, Kassel. (together with Anke Trömper, RPI Kassel)
- "With hair you somehow look better" - Contents and potential of interreligious competences in the conversation about the headscarf. Event: 7th Religious Education Theological Study Day: Talking about God* in Religious Education?! The potential of classroom discussions. Institute for Catholic Theology, University of Kassel, 15.06.2023, Kassel. (together with Helena Fernys-Adamietz, Institute for Catholic Theology, University of Kassel)
- Appreciation in interreligious encounters. Event: Study day "Appreciation - not just a topic in religious education". Protestant School Department Paderborn and the Department of Religious Education, 23.03.2023, Warburg. (together with Elena Padva, Sara Nussbaum Center for Jewish Life)
- Strengthening interreligious skills - learning to (re)understand one's own in the other. Event: Study day on interreligious learning. Association of Committed Muslims Germany, EMD e.V., 19.11.2022, Bochum.
- Opportunities and challenges of interreligious learning in schools. A keynote speech. Event: Church talk at the Waldau Open School. Waldau Open School, 14.10.2022, Kassel.
- Appreciative interreligious cooperation in elementary school. Event: Day of religious education teachers "What makes us strong" - appreciation and encouragement in religious education. Mariano-Josephinum secondary school, 22.09.2022, Hildesheim diocese. (together with Rokaya Hassan)
- "Will all people go to heaven?" Dying, death and resurrection in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Basics and methods (grades 4-6). Event: 3-phases of teacher training - dying, death and the Christian hope of resurrection, RPI Kassel 01.07.2022, Kassel.
- Interreligiosity in the classroom (?) Case studies on the topic of interreligious learning in schools. Event: MELTINGPOT (?) - Interreligious learning through encounter. Sara Nussbaum Center for Jewish Life, 18.11.2021, Kassel. (together with Elena Padva & Viktoria Schneider)
- We are colorful - we are many! Questions and answers about religions and cultures. Event: Training course of the training series "Only Human!", in cooperation with the Protestant Youth Kassel and the Sara Nussbaum Center for Jewish Life. 04.11.2021, Kassel.
- Our encounter makes you and me grow - Interreligious dialog with all its strengths and challenges. Event: Association of Committed Muslims Germany. EMD e.V., 13.07.2021, Bochum.
- Diversity lives in the classroom - basics and methods of interreligious learning in elementary school. Event: Religious education in the context of inclusion. University of Kassel (via Zoom) 26.06.2021, Kassel.
- Podcast together with Lina Hout about interreligious learning in elementary school, about religious identity and the self. (recorded in 06/21).
- Summer semester 22 & summer semester 24: Interreligious learning. Positions - Encounters - Competences (in cooperation with the Institute of Catholic Theology as part of the study profile "Interreligious Competence for Religious Education")
- Winter semester 23/24: Introduction to religious education
- Summer semester 23: Fundamentals of interreligious learning - "Diversity lives in my class!" (in cooperation with the Sara Nussbaum Center for Jewish Life)
- Summer semester 22: "And how is that with you???" Interreligious learning in my classroom (in cooperation with the Sara Nussbaum Center for Jewish Life)
- WiSe 20/21 & WiSe 21/22: "Diversity lives in my class!" Learning and teaching about and with interreligious education as part of preventative work (in cooperation with the Sara Nussbaum Center for Jewish Life)
- WiSe 18/19 - WiSe 19/20: Children's Academy - World Religions in Dialogue (practice-oriented project seminar)
- SoSe 18 - WiSe 19/20: MOSAIK - Interreligious Dialogue (in cooperation with the Muslim University Community of the University of Kassel)
Examples of academic term papers and Master's theses supervised by me (vocational education)
- Children encounter Islam: Interreligious learning on the basis of a selected religious testimony in elementary school
- Comparative theology at school - theory and practice in Protestant religious education
- Inclusion as a topic in religious education - A religious education teaching unit for grades 3-4
- Children encounter religions - An analysis of interreligious learning in primary school textbooks
- Promoting young religious education teachers -
Conceptual development of a vocational orientation program
- How can tolerance of ambiguity be promoted through interreligious learning in religious education at vocational schools? What opportunities and challenges arise? (Master's thesis, vocational school pedagogy)
- Interreligious learning in elementary school. A qualitative study of written results of Protestant religious education in grades 1-3 at Kassel schools
- Interreligious encounter learning. - Recognizing, reflecting and shaping religious diversity
- With the I to the You: The dignity of the child as a religious pedagogical approach to respect in interreligious learning in religious education at elementary school
- Focus on interreligious competencies - promoting empathy and perspective-taking in teaching materials for religious education at elementary school
- Interreligious learning as an opportunity to prevent anti-Semitism? - Designing teaching materials for elementary school
- Religious education in the context of a globalized society. A qualitative study on the future viability of the subject at elementary school.
- The Hamburg way of dialogical religious education for all - opportunities and challenges of interreligious learning under pluralistic conditions
Dear students,
please feel free to contact me by e-mail if you have any questions and/or are interested in the supervision of academic assignments.