Re:Coding (VW)

Re:Coding Algorithmic Culture

VW-gefördertes interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt der Fachgebiete Gender/Diversity in Informatics Systems (Universität Kassel), Theorie und Praxis der visuellen Kommunikation (Kunsthochschule Kassel), Soziologie der Diversität (Universität Kassel)

Das Projekt Re:Coding Algorithmic Culture hat in der Antragslinie "Originalitätsverdacht" der VW-Stiftung die beantragbare Höchstsumme erhalten. In den nächsten 1,5 Jahren werden die Projektbeteiligten der Frage nachgehen, wie durch algorithmisch basierte Sammlungen, Klassifikationenen und Interpretationen von Daten bestehende gesell-schaftliche Ungleichheiten/Diskriminerungen fortgeschrieben werden – und auch irri-tiert, wenn nicht sogar umgeschrieben werden können. Forschungsformate sind Hacka-thons, Game Jams, Coding-Workshops, partizipatorische Design Labs, Design Noir Exper-imente, Performances, Ausstellungen sowie Video- und Textanalysen. Diese inter-disziplinären Labs sollen kritisches, queer-feministisches, antirassistisches und dekolo-niales Wissens im digital-realen Raum weitertreiben. Den Antrag gestellt haben Elisabeth Tuider und Pinar Tuzcu (Soziologie der Diversität, Universität Kassel), Claude Draude (Gender/Diversity in Inforamtics Systems, Universität Kassel) und Johanna Schaffer (Visuelle Kommunikation, Kunsthochschule Kassel), weitere Projektautorinnen sind Ipek Burçak, Isabel Paehr und Nicole voec (Alumnae und Studierende der Kunsthochschule Kassel).

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tuider

Dr. Pinar Tuzcu
Tom Fixemer, M.A.

Studentische Mitarbeit:
Eunice Njoki

Volkswagen Stiftung (VW) Förderlinie "Orginalitätsverdacht"

Laufzeit: 09/2019–02/2021

A screenshot of a game, reworked in the image editing software Photoshop changing out-lines, resolution and colors, and then reprocessed using algorithmic tools such as 'Con-tent Aware Fill' and 'High Pass Filter Sharpening'. Credits Ipek Burçak, Isabel Paehr, Nicole voec.

The project Re:Coding Algorithmic Culture has won a grant from the VW Foundation with-in the category 'Original – isn’t it?'. Over the next 1.5 years, the project participants will investigate the question of how algorithmically based collections, classifications and in-terpretations of data can perpetuate existing social inequalities/discrimination – and also challenge, if not redefine them. Research formats will be hackathons, game jams, coding workshops, participatory design labs, design noir Experiments, performances, exhibi-tions as well as video and text analyses. These interdisciplinary labs are meant to be crit-ical, queer-feminist, anti-racist and work with de colonial knowledge in digitalreal space. The application was submitted by Elisabeth Tuider and Pinar Tuzcu (Sociology of the Diversity, University of Kassel), Claude Draude (Gender/Diversity in Informatics Systems, University of Kassel) and Johanna Schaffer (Visual Communication, Kunsthochschule Kassel), other project authors are Ipek Burçak, Isabel Paehr and Nicole voec (alumnae and students of the Kunsthochschule Kassel).

Additional Module: "RE:coding Algorithmic Cultures of the Pandemic – The Example of Social Distancing"

Our previous project "Re:coding Algorithmic Culture" (April 2019-September 2020) aimed to explore how algorithms generate, reproduce and undermine the existing relations of power, inequality, and cultural bias in the digital age. We study algorithmic processes in order to understand the algorithmic power relations and their impacts in our everyday life and develop strategies to intervene in cultural, sexual, and racial biases that are embedded within them. Our current project creates an experimental series of "Re:coding Labs" such as hackathons, game jams, coding workshops, and media analysis meetups to explore alternative, more inclusive, just, and non-discriminatory ways towards digitalization. In this additional module, with regular lab meetings and public talks,  "RE:coding Algorithmic Cultures of the Pandemic – The Example of Social Distancing" we look at emerging socio-cultural norms and codes of the COVID-19 Pandemic, such as "social distancing", and explore them in their materializations in sociotechnical systems, codes, and infrastructures. In line with the previous project, this additional module explores the COVID-19 Pandemic as a magnifying glass regarding social inequalities within the design, production, access to, and use of new technologies.

Events: RE:coding Algorithmic Culture of the Pandemic

9:30-9:45: Welcome

9:45- 0:35 Input ZET (Zentrum Emanzipatorische Bildungsforschung) from Valentin Niebler on ZET talk series "Challenging Tech: Organizing, Resistance & Alternatives" Commentary and relation to research project by Pinar Tuzcu (Sociology of Diversity, University of Kassel)

11:05-11:25 Collecting of thoughts on shared whiteboard

11:25-12:20 Discussion

12:20 Closing

COVID-19 has hit a world in which social protection schemes are increasingly augmented with digital measures. Digital identity schemes are especially being adopted to match citizens’ data with social protection entitlements, enabling authentication through demographic and, increasingly, biometric data at the point of access.

In this talk, Silvia Masiero discusses three sets of implications that COVID-19 has yielded on digital social protection, namely: legal, informational, and design-related protection schemes. She argues that these three forms have also generated data injustice causing greater exclusions during the pandemic and they will need to be monitored in the post-pandemic scenario. The talk relates to the COVID-19 from the Margins project edited with Stefania Milan and Emiliano Treré, collecting multilingual narrations from the silenced voices of the datafied pandemic.

Silvia Masiero, Associate Professor in the Department of Informatics at University of Oslo

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 915 7708 2132
Passcode: 766465

Lab series: "Re:Coding Algorithmic Culture"

Through a_synchronous meetings (gatherings) we will practicestory-telling, go for a walk in between different times, encounterunknown matters, and speculate on staying not-healthy.

  • Meet_up 1, Tuesday 21 April 20, 10.00 – 12.00 GMT+1
  • Meet_up 2, Thursday 23 April 20, 19.00 – 20.30 GMT+1
  • Meet_up 3, Friday 24 April 20, 17.00 – 19.00 GMT+1

Please register for the meet_ups at un-timely(at), you will getan email with an access code for the meet_up chat space. Emails will beanswered until 2 hours prior to each meet_up. Chat access codes arevalid for all meet_ups.

Please visit for more information on the meet_ups.

Discussing the phrase "social distancing", implemented as a prevention strategy against COVID-19 outbreak, we will ask what "social distancing" means in times of social media. We will analyze the different contexts of social media and try to understand how this socio-medical implementation is shaping society discursively, affectively, and materially.

Please register by 05.05.2020 at pinar-tuzcu(at)

Taking a walk through a computer is an online coding lab that will explore computation through playing with things already present: Our bodies and our computer terminals

Please register by 05.05.2020 at l.britton(at)

In the game Ham Playing the Code / Coding in Touch we will work collaboratively to make our own games. We begin by exploring unexpected modes of communication and non linear narratives that unfold with the logic of algorithms.

Please register by 02.06.2020 at l.britton(at)