Academic career

  • since 5/2021 research associate in the Department of Medieval History, University of Kassel
  • 10/2018 to 04/2021 own DFG-funded position for the research project “Leadership between Departure and Return. Crusader Families in Champagne and Burgundy 1096-1272”
  • 2010-2018 employed as research associate with Prof. Dr. Amalie Fößel, Chair in Medieval History, University of Duisburg-Essen (2015-2016: maternity and parental leave)
  • 2009-2010 contract lecturer at the University of Kassel
  • 2007-2008 worked as research assistant and tutor with Prof. Dr. Ingrid Baumgärtner, Chair in Medieval History, University of Kassel
  • 2006-2011 doctorate in medieval history at the University of Kassel under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ingrid Baumgärtner; title of dissertation: “Hans von Gersdorff’s ‘Feldbuch der Wundarznei’. The Production, Presentation and Reception of Knowledge”
  • 2002-2005 employed as student assistant, first with Prof. Dr. Dippel, Chair in the History of North America and Great Britain, then with Prof. Dr. Ingrid Baumgärtner, Chair in Medieval History, University of Kassel
  • 2001-2006 studied English/history for secondary school teaching qualification, University of Kassel; completed first Staatsexamen (theoretical teaching qualification)
  • 2000-2001 studied medicine and dentistry at Philipps-Universität, Marburg

Scholarships and fellowships

  • 2014 Karl-Ferdinand-Werner Fellowship at the DHI in Paris
  • 2013-2015 Mentoring3 programme with the University Alliance Ruhr
  • 2009 scholarship at the Kunsthistorisches Institut (Institute of Art History), Max Planck Institute in Florence
  • 2007-2010 doctoral scholarship at the University of Kassel
  • 2004 participated in a course of study at the DHI in Rome

Main research interests

  • History of knowledge and culture
  • History of the Crusades
  • Historical gender studies
  • Historical visual studies
  • Auxiliary sciences of history



Please contact Mrs Panse-Buchwalter via email for an appointment.


  • History of knowledge and culture
  • History of the Crusades
  • Historical gender studies
  • Historical visual studies
  • Auxiliary sciences of history

Homeland and Holy Land. Crusading Families in Champagne and Burgundy 1096-1270

The purpose of this project is to explore the impact of the crusades on power and authority of two crusading families of the High Middle Ages from a gender perspective. It operates on the basic assumption that the departure of the crusaders caused shifts in the power structures in the homelands of the crusading families. This project aims to analyze the political transformation processes in their various manifestations, in their structural architecture and in their dynamics. It further expounds upon the effects these processes had on the political agency of the male and female family members who stayed at home.
The Crusading families of Champagne-Blois and Burgundy serve as case studies for this project. The relative wealth of existing sources allows to not only to analyze the repercussions of the crusades on the families over a 200 year period, but also to investigate the agency of male and female family members in the course of the crusades. As in both families wives and mothers were appointed as regents in the absence of the crusaders, it is necessary to consider the resources on which their exercise of power was based. Furthermore, it has to be examined, if and in what way the crusaders’ status was used on the political field in the homelands and if the family members referred to it in order to consolidate and expand their power and prestige.
In studying the changing configurations of power and authority of the crusading families, it has been helpful to work with Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical approach ofthe four types of capital (economic, social, cultural and symbolic). In their variouscorrelations, they can be understood as potential resources of power, providing the necessary means for its implementation and giving the opportunity to gain anadvantageous position in the political field. The analysis of the transformation of power configurations and resources over the course of the crusades allows for an in depth discussion of the practices of aristocratic lordship and the families’ strategies of coping with contingencies.
Drawing on the rich body of source material and employing a gender perspective as well as a Bourdieu inspired theoretical approach, this project promises new findings on the impact of the crusades on power and authority in the homelands. This study’s innovative potential lies in the intersection of crusade and gender research. Therefore, the aim of this project is to write a new political history for the homelands of the crusades, which combines cultural history and gender research.


  • Melanie Panse, Hans von Gersdorffs ‚Feldbuch der Wundarznei’. Produktion, Präsentation und Rezeption von Wissen (Trierer Beiträge zu den historischen Kulturwissenschaften 7). Wiesbaden 2012.
    • J.M. Schütte, Rezension von: Melanie Panse: Hans von Gersdorffs "Feldbuch der Wundarznei". Produktion, Präsentation und Rezeption von Wissen. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag 2012, in: Sudhoffs Archiv 97:1 (2013), S. 127;
    • M. Schuh: Rezension von: Melanie Panse: Hans von Gersdorffs "Feldbuch der Wundarznei". Produktion, Präsentation und Rezeption von Wissen. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag 2012, in: sehepunkte 13 (2013), Nr. 9 [15.09.2013], URL:;
    • R. Kolb, Rezension von: Melanie Panse: Hans von Gersdorffs "Feldbuch der Wundarznei". Produktion, Präsentation und Rezeption von Wissen. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag 2012, in: Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 42 (2013), S. 68.


  • Ingrid Baumgärtner u. Melanie Panse (Hg.), Kreuzzug und Gender (Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung 21, 2016, Heft 1). Berlin 2016.

Essays in journals

  • Melanie Panse, Zwischen Kreuznahme und Aufbruch. Praktiken der Herrschaftssicherung in der Grafschaft Champagne im ausgehenden 12. Jahrhundert, in: Historisches Jahrbuch 138 (2018), S. 141-171.
  • Melanie Panse zusammen mit Ingrid Baumgärtner, Kreuzzüge aus der Perspektive der Genderforschung. Zielsetzung und Forschungsansätze, in: Dies. (Hg.), Kreuzzug und Gender (Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung 21, 2016, Heft 1). Berlin 2016, S. 1-21.
  • Melanie Panse, Sichtbare Macht. Herrschaftsinszenierung in Abwesenheit der Kreuzfahrer, in: Ingrid Baumgärtner u. Melanie Panse (Hg.): Kreuzzug und Gender (Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung 21, 2016, Heft 1). Berlin 2016, S. 40-60.
  • Melanie Panse, Den Leser in Text und Bild begleiten. Formen medizinischer Wissensvermittlung im ausgehenden Mittelalter, in: Lehre und Schule im Mittelalter - Mittelalter in Schule und Lehre, hg. v. Ursula Kundert (Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung 17, 2012, Heft 1). Berlin 2012, S. 127-139.

Essays in anthologies

  • Melanie Panse, To his beloved daughter in Christ.Papal protection and its enforcement in 13th century Champagne, in: Stilus Curiae. Spielregeln der Konflikt- und Verhandlungsführung am Papsthof des Mittelalters (12.-15. Jahrhundert), hg. von. Jessika Nowak und Georg Strack (in Vorbereitung).
  • Melanie Panse, Der Wundarzt. Kommunizieren und Handeln mit Gott, in: Gottes Werk und Adams Beitrag – Formen der Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Gott im Mittelalter. Symposium des Mediävistenverbandes, hg. v. Thomas Honegger, Gerlinde Huber-Rebenich u. Volker Leppin. Jena 2014, S. 142-155.
  • Melanie Panse, Schloss Rheinfels, in: Wilhelm Dilich. Landtafeln hessischer Ämter zwischen Rhein und Weser 1607-1625, hg. v. Ingrid Baumgärtner, Martina Stercken u. Axel Halle. Kassel 2011, Nr. 22-25, S. 86-94.

Revies and und refferals on

  • Frédérique Lachaud, Michael Penman (Hg), Absentee Authority across Medieval Europe (im Druck für Zeitschrift für historische Forschung).
  • Kurt Villads Jensen, Kirsi Salonen u. Helle Vogt (Hg.), Cultural Encounters during the Crusades (Studies in History and Social Sciences 445), Odense 2013, in: HZ 306 (2018), S. 533-534.
  • Chiara Benati: Die niederdeutsche Fassung des Feldtbuchs der Wundarzney in Kopenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, GKS 1663 4°. Edition und Kommentar. Göppingen: Kümmerle, 2017. 191 S. ISBN 978-3-86758-042-7, in: Germanistik 58:1 (2017), Nr. 1558.
  • Isabelle Cochelin/Karen Smyth (Hg.), Medieval Life Cycles. Continuity and Change. (International Medieval Research 18.) Turnhout 2013, erscheint in: Dominique Dirlewanger, Alix Heiniger, Sonja Matter, Anja Rathmann-Lutz, Matthias Ruoss (Hg.) Lebensalter – Les âges de la vie (traverse 2017, Heft 2), Zürich 2017, S. 148-149.
  • Wendy J. Turner u. Sara M. Butler (Hg.), Medicine and the Law in the Middle Ages. Leiden, Boston 2014, in: sehepunkte 15 (2015), Nr. 9 [15.09.2015], URL:
  • Ildikó Cspregi u. Charles Burnett (Hg.), Ritual healing. Magic, Ritual and Medical Therapy from Antiquity until the Early Modern Period (Micrologus’ Library 48). Florenz 2012, in: HZ 298 (2014), S. 719.
  • Thomas Haas, Geistliche als Kreuzfahrer. Der Klerus im Konflikt zwischen Orient und Okzident 1095-1221. Heidelberg 2012, in: sehepunkte 13 (2013), Nr. 11 [15.11.2013], URL:
  • Steffen Arndt u. Andreas Hedwig (Hg.), Visualisierte Kommunikation im Mittelalter. Legitimation und Repräsentation (Schriften des Hessischen Staatsarchivs Marburg 23). Marburg 2010, in: Zeitschrift des Vereins für hessische Geschichte und Landeskunde (ZHG) 117/118 (2012/13), S. 289–290.
  • Nolte, Cordula, Frauen und Männer in der Gesellschaft des Mittelalters (Geschichte kompakt). Darmstadt 2011, in: Perspicuitas. Internet-Periodicum für mediävistische Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft. Online unter:
  • René Wetzel u. Fabrice Flückiger (Hg.), Au-delà de l'illustration. Texte et image au Moyen Age, approches méthodologiques et pratiques (Medienwandel - Medienwechsel - Medienwissen 6). Zürich 2009, in: Das Mittelalter 15.2 (2010), S. 31.