

  • 2018 Ph.D. Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick, U.K.
  • 2009 M.A. International Relations, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
  • 2008 M.A. Political Science, Economics and Modern History, University of Trier, Germany
  • 2006 B.A. Social Science (major: Political Science), Lund University, Sweden (after a study exchange year in 2004–05)



My research examines the politics of global governance with a growing focus on global sustainability governance. Over time, my initial interest in global economic governance has evolved into a more encompassing perspective on the intersections between some of the most pressing economic, social and ecological questions of our time.

Within this remit, I currently investigate how transnational actors navigate the uneasy relationship between the norm of economic growth and sustainability objectives. This entry point allows me to revisit the (post-)growth debate from a distinct global governance angle. Driven by an acute personal concern over the intensifying ‘triple planetary crisis’ (global warming, biodiversity loss, pollution), I aspire to deliver theoretically informed empirical insights that are of practical relevance to processes of socio-ecological transformations. This research will then hopefully also bolster the case for ambitious global sustainability governance.

Striving for pluralism and interdisciplinarity, I seek to integrate insights from different fields of study (such as International Relations, International Political Economy, ecological economics or sustainability research); combine different theoretical perspectives (such as constructivism or performativity approaches); and triangulate desk- and field-based methods (interviews, document analysis, ethnography, network analysis). My work on international organisations, sustainability and (post-)growth, and practices of quantification/benchmarking and anticipation in global governance has been published in various scientific journals.

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Kranke, Matthias and David Yarrow. 2023. ‘Constructing national policy space: Demographic forecasting, macroeconomic “gaps” and technocratic governance.’ The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, DOI:10.1177/13691481231191914: 1–26.

Hasselbalch, Jacob A., Matthias Kranke and Ekaterina Chertkovskaya. 2023. ‘Organizing for transformation: post-growth in International Political Economy.’ Review of International Political Economy 30(5): 1621–1638.

Berten, John and Matthias Kranke. 2022. ‘Anticipatory Global Governance: International Organisations and the Politics of the Future.’ Global Society 36(2): 155–169.

Kranke, Matthias. 2022. ‘Tomorrow’s Debt, Today’s Duty: Debt Sustainability as Anticipatory Global Governance.’ Global Society 36(2): 223–239.

Kranke, Matthias. 2022. ‘Exclusive expertise: the boundary work of international organizations.’ Review of International Political Economy 29(2): 453–476.

Kranke, Matthias. 2022. ‘Pathologies of a Different Kind: Dysfunctional Interactions between International Organizations.’ Global Studies Quarterly 2(1): ksab038.

Kranke, Matthias and Svenja Quitsch. 2021. ‘International organisations in global sustainability transitions.’ Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 41: 49–51.

Kranke, Matthias. 2020. ‘IMF-World Bank Cooperation Before and After the Global Financial Crisis.’ Global Policy 11(1): 15–25.

Kranke, Matthias and David Yarrow. 2019. ‘The Global Governance of Systemic Risk: How Measurement Practices Tame Macroprudential Politics.’ New Political Economy 24(6): 816–832.

Broome, André, Alexandra Homolar and Matthias Kranke. 2018. ‘Bad science: International organizations and the indirect power of global benchmarking.’ European Journal of International Relations 24(3): 514–539.

Yarrow, David and Matthias Kranke. 2016. ‘The performativity of sports statistics: towards a research agenda.’ Journal of Cultural Economy 9(5): 445–457.

Eimer, Thomas R. and Matthias Kranke. 2015. ‘Teaching the Transnationalization of Politics: Participant Observation of Public Events.’ International Studies Perspectives 16(2): 127–141.

Kranke, Matthias. 2014. ‘Which “C” Are You Talking About? Critical Meets Cultural IPE’ (review article). Millennium: Journal of International Studies 42(3): 897–907.

Lütz, Susanne and Matthias Kranke. 2014. ‘The European rescue of the Washington Consensus? EU and IMF lending to Central and Eastern European countries.’ Review of International Political Economy 21(2): 310–338.