Dr. Tolga Tören
Associated Fellow and adjunct Lecturer, Section: Development and Postcolonial Studies
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- Kleine Rosenstraße 1 - 3
34127 Kassel
Dr. Tolga Tören completed his master's degrees at Marmara University (İstanbul), Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Development Economics and Economic Growth (2006), and -as a part of Global Labour University (GLU) - at the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg), Faculty of Humanities, Department of Labour Policies and Globalisation (LPG) (2010).
Between 6 September 2010 - 6 October 2010, he studied at the Department of Sociology of University of the Witwatersrand as a visiting researcher for his PhD studies.
In 2012, he completed his PhD thesis, entitled “South Africa: From Apartheid to Black Economic Empowerment: Re-articulation of Race and Class upon the Historicity of Capital Accumulation”, at Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Development Economics and Economic Growth.
The thesis was given an honourable mention in 2013 under the coverage of Young Social Scientists Award by Turkish Social Sciences Association (TSBD).
Between 1 February 2013 - 25 March 2014, Dr. Tören worked at the Faculty of Economic, Administrative and Social Sciences of Toros University (Mersin) as an assistant professor. Between 26 March 2014 - 26 March 2017, he worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Economics of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences of Mersin University (Mersin).
Since mid-May 2017, Dr. Tören has been teaching and researching at the International Centre for Development and Decent Work (ICDD) of the University of Kassel as a scholar at risk.
He worked as a guest professor at the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Vienna for the period between 1 March 2018 - 5 May 2018.
Being involved in Global Labour University (GLU) and Global Partnership Network (GPN) networks, Dr. Tören is interested in development studies, labour studies and critical (geo)political economy.
Dr. Tören is also a certified ‘Coordinator in International Project Management’.
Reports / Working Papers:
Tören, T. (2018) “Syrian Refugees in the Turkish Labour Markets”, International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD) Working Paper Series No: 22, University of Kassel Publications, Kassel.
Webster, E., C. Bischof, E. Xhafa, J. P. Lins, D. D. Deane, D. Hawkins, S. Bhowmik, N. More, N. O., S. Park, E. I. James, M. Serrano, V. D. Viajar, R. A. Certeza, G. Yılmaz, B. Karadağ, T. Tören, E. Sinirlioğlu, L. Volynets (2008) “Closing The Representation Gap in Small and Micro Enterprises”, Global Labour University Working Paper, Global Labour University Publications, Paper No: 3.
Chapters in Editorial Books
Yılmaz, G., İ. D. Karatepe & T. Tören (2019) “Putting Labor Market Integration in Turkey into its Place: Informality and Refugees”, in Integration through Exploitation: Syrians in Turkey, Yılmaz, G., İ. D. Karatepe & T. Tören (Eds.). München: Rainer Hampp Verlag, 1 - 12.
Tören, T. (2018) “Role of Modernization Theory in the Reconstruction of International Labour Movement in the Cold War Period: Lessons for Today”, Political Economy of Labour, Income Distribution, and Exclusion, C. Papatheodorou, S. Çevik, D. Paitarides, G. Yılmaz (Eds), London: IJOPEC.
Tören, T., E. E. Demir (2017) “Küreselleşme / Yerelleşme Tartışmaları ve Zaman / Mekan Sıkışması Bağlamında Lojistik Sektörü” (“Logistic Sector, Under the Context of Debate on Globalization / Localization and ‘Time Space Compression’”), in Spatial and Regional Transformations in Turkey (Türkiye'de Mekansal ve Bölgesel Dönüşümler ), Isparta: Süleyman Demirel University (Turkish).
Kutun, M. and T. Tören (2016) “Yeni Türkiye”yi Anlamak: Söylem ve Gerçeklik Arasında Alternatif ve Sınıf Merkezli Bir Çerçeve Önerisi (Understanding the “New Turkey”: A Proposal for an Alternative and Class Centered Framework Between Discourse and Reality), in New Turkey: Capitalism, State, Classes, T. Tören and M. Kutun (Eds.), İstanbul: SAV, 21 – 81. (Turkish)
Tören, T. (2015) “Kapitalist Gelişmenin Şafağında Ütopyacı Sosyalizm ve Komünist Manifesto Bir Karşılaştırma Denemesi” (Utopian Socialism And Communist Manifesto In the Daylight of Capitalist Development: An Attempt To Comparison), in Logic of Our Age The Individual and Society in the Market’s Grasp, Koç. Ş. A. and M. Şirin Önver (Eds.), London IJOPEC, 221 245. (Turkish)
Türkay, M. and T. Tören (2014) “Liberal Kriz Koşullarında Türkiye ve Dünyada Yaşanan Dönüşümün Seyri Üzerine Notlar” (Notes on the Transformation in the World and in Turkey under the Conditions of Liberal Crisis) , Mertcan, H., A. Ördek (Ed.), Modern Zamanlar Bir Yokmuş Bir Varmış içinde, Ankara: NotaBene, 313 – 359. (Turkish)
Tören, T. (2014) “Sermaye Birikimi: Osmanlı İmpratorluğu’ndan Cumhuriyet’e Geçişi Anlamada Bir Anahtar” (“Capital Accumulation: A Key in Understanding the Transition from Ottoman Empire to the Republic”), in Almanak 2012 – 2013 Analizleri, S. Kurt (Ed), İstanbul: SAV, 138 - 164. (Turkish)
Tören, T. (2009) “Güney Afrika – Türkiye, Ulusal Sorun – Sınıf Sorunu Yakın Dönem İçin Bir Karşılaştırma Denemesi” (“South Africa– Turkey, National Question – Class Question, An Attempt to Comparison for Near Term”), Serap Korkusuz (Ed.), the Social Researches Foundation Publisher 2008 Almanac, İstanbul: SAV. (Turkish)
Tören, T. (2008) “Bir Müdahale Aracı Olarak Dış Yardım ve İki Örnek: Truman Doktrini ve Mar-shall Planı” (“Foreign ‘Aid’ Policies as An Intervention Instrument and Two Cases: The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan”), Ozgur University Publisher, 2008, Istanbul. (Turkish)
Tören, T. (2006) “Yeniden Yapılanan Dünya Ekonomisinde Marshall Planı ve Türkiye Uygulaması: Tarım, Ulaştırma, Madencilik ve Özel Sektör Örnekleri” (“The Marshall Plan and Practice of Turkey in Reconstructed World Economy: Examples of Agriculture, Transportation, Mining and Private Sector”), in Türkiye’de Kapitalizmin Gelişimi (Development of Capitalism in Turkey), Ankara: Dip-not Publisher. (Turkish)
Tören, T. (2007) “Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Tarım Sektöründe Genel Eğilimler” (“General Tendencies in the Agriculture Sector in Turkey and the World”), in Almanac 2006, İstanbul: SAV. (Turkish)
Articles at Refereed Journal(s)
Tören, T. & M. Kutun (2018) “‘Peace Academics’ from Turkey: Solidarity until the Peace Comes”, Global Labour Journal, 9(1), 103 - 112.
Tören, T. (2015) “Irk, Sınıf ve Kapitalist Gelişme Bağlamında Güney Afrika’da Apartheid Rejimi” (Apartheid Regime in South Africa Under the Context of Race, Class and Capitalist Development), Praksis, 37: 269 – 299. (Turkish)
Türkay, M. & T. Tören (2015) “Tarihselliği İçinde Liberal Şiddet ve Görünümleri” (‘Liberal Violence’ and Its Appearances within Their Historicity), İktisat, 529: 89 – 104. (Turkish)
Tören, T. (2014) “Apartheid Sonrası Güney Afrika: Kürt Sorununa Yanlış Model” (“Post-Apartheid South Africa: Wrong Model for the Kurdish Question”), Praksis, 33. (Turkish)
Tören, T. (2013) “Apartheid Sonrası Güney Afrika: Ulusal Demokratik Devrim ya da Siyah Sermaye İnşası” (“Post-Apartheid South Africa: “National Democratic Revolution” and Building of Black Capital”), Praksis, 32. (Turkish)
Yılmaz, G., Karatepe, İ. D., Tören, T. (Eds.) (2019) Syrians in Turkey: Integration through Exploitation, Kassel: ICDD - Reiner Hampp Verlag.
Tören, T. & M. Kutun (Eds.) (2016) “Yeni Türkiye”: Kapitalizm, Devlet, Sınıflar (New Turkey: Capitalism, State, Classes), İstanbul: SAV. (Turkish)
Tören, T. (2013) Kararan Kapitalizm: Yeni Güney Afrika (Darkening Capitalism: “New” South Africa), İstanbul: SAV. (Turkish).
Ercan, F., T. Tören, Ö. Taştan, S. Paçacı, M. S. Tümtaş, Ö. Tezcek (Eds.) (2009) Türkiye’de Kapitalizmin Güncel Sorunları (Actual Problems of Capitalism in Turkey), Ankara: Dipnot Publisher. (Turkish)
Kurt, S., Ergüder, B., B. Şen, F. Genç, G. Kaya, G. Yarkın, H. Güneş, N. Kapusuz, R. N. Akdemir, S. Orhan, S. Uz, T. Tören (Eds.) (2008) Türkiye İşçi Sınıfı ve Emek Hareketi Küreselleşiyor mu? (Is Working Class and Labour Movement of Turkey Globalizing?, İstanbul: SAV.
Tören, T. (2007) Yeniden Yapılanan Dünya Ekonomisinde Marshall Planı ve Türkiye Uygulaması (The Marshall Plan in Reconstructed World Economy and Practice of Turkey), İstanbul: the Social Researches Foundation (SAV). (Turkish)
Yılmaz, D., F. Akyüz, F. Ercan, K. R. Yılmaz, Ü. Akçay, T. Tören (Eds.) (2007) Kapitalizmi Anlamak (Understanding Capitalism), Ankara: Dipnot Publisher. (Turkish)
D. Yılmaz, F. Akyüz, F. Ercan, K. R. Yılmaz, Ü. Akçay, T. Tören (Eds.) (2007) Türkiye’de Kapitalizmin Gelişimi (Development of Capitalism in Turkey), Ankara: Dipnot Publisher. (Turkish)
D. Yılmaz, F. Ercan, F. Akyüz, K. R. Yılmaz, Ü. Akçay, T. Tören (Eds.) (2006) Kapitalizm, Küreselleşme, Azgelişmişlik (Capitalism, Globalization and Underdevelopment), Ankara: Dipnot Publisher. (Turkish)
Koçak H., B. Ergüder, B. Şen, F. Ş. Zırhlı, G. Kaya, G. Yarkın, H. Güneş, M. İnce, N. Kapusuz, R. N. Akdemir, Ö. Yılmaz, Ö. Tezcek, S. Orhan, S. Uz, T. Tören (2005) (Eds.), Türkiye’yi Sınıf Gerçeği ile Anlamak (Understanding Turkey with the Class Reality), İstanbul: SAV. (Turkish)
Kurt, S. & T. Tören (Eds.) (2005) İşçi Sınıfının Değişen Yapısı ve Sınıf Hareketinde Arayışlar Deneyimler (Changing Structure of Working Class and New Searches, Experiences in Working Class Movement), Istanbul: the Social Researches Foundation (SAV). (Turkish)