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The IfSS welcomes over 100 new sports students
On October 15 and 16, Prof. Dr. Norbert Hagemann gave a warm welcome to the new first-year students on the sports teaching course at the University of Kassel.
In his speech, he praised their decision to study sport in Kassel. The first semester students can expect a diverse and varied period of study. Prof. Dr. Hagemann encouraged them to learn new things with openness and enthusiasm. Students on the new teaching degree course in special needs education with a focus on inclusion (L5) were also welcomed for the first time.
The teaching staff and the general university sports department then introduced themselves to the new students. In addition to the subject-specific requirements placed on sports students, they received valuable information on online course selection and timetabling.
The IfSS wishes the students a successful and enjoyable start to their sports studies at the University of Kassel!