Vorträge / Talks
Conference Organization
(with Esther Möller, IEG Mainz) “Questioning the Mediterranean: (Self-)Representations from the Southern Shore in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries”, 4th Workshop of the DFG Research Network Modern Mediterranean, Beirut, Lebanon, 10-13 October 2019, https://modernmediterranean.net/.
Presentations and invited talks
October 2019 | “Greetings from the Southern Shore: Postcards and Spaces of Belonging in the Eastern Mediterranean”, Workshop “Questioning the Mediterranean: (Self-)Representations from the Southern Shore in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries”, 10-13 October 2019, Beirut, Lebanon.
December 2018 | “Redefining a Region? Tourism in Syria & Lebanon, ca. 1920–1940”, Colloquium of the Chair for East Asian History, 4 December 2018, Freiburg, Germany
July 2018 | “Ägypten abbilden. Begegnungen in Text und Fotografie”, workshop “Reiseberichte”, 12th – 13th July 2018, Bamberg, Germany.
June 2018 | “Holidays off the beaten track. Imperialer Tourismus auf nationalistischen Abwegen im Libanon, ca. 1920 – 1940”, Colloquium Georg-August Universität Göttingen (Prof. Dr. Jens Hanssen), 6th June 2018, Göttingen, Germany.
May 2017 | “Postcard Communication and Spaces of Belonging in the Middle East Mandates”, conference “Everyday Empires. Trans-Imperial Circulations in a Multidisciplinary Perspective”, 25 –26 May 2017, Birmingham, UK.
May 2017 | “Grüße aus der Ferne. (Anti-)Imperiale Botschaften touristischer Ansichtskarten”, colloquium on Early Modern and Modern History, Universität Kassel, Germany.
Dec 2016 | “Bildwelten und Weltbilder. Der ‘Orient’ als Reiseziel in der Zwischenkriegszeit”, colloquium on Economic and Social History (Prof. Dr. Christian Kleinschmidt), Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany.
July 2016 | “Baalbek. Ein touristischer Raum in der Zwischenkriegszeit” [Baalbek. A Tourist Space in the Interwar Period], workshop “Grounded Global History”, 7 –8 July 2016, Konstanz, Germany.
July 2016 | “Tourismusräume. Der ‘Orient’ als europäische Touristendestination in der Zwischenkriegszeit.“ [Tourist spaces. The ‘Orient’ as European tourist destination in the Interwar period], colloquium at the German Historical Institute, London, UK.
Feb 2016 | “‘It is, after all, a superficial resemblance.’ Transformation Processes and the Maintenance of Otherness in Travel Guidebooks of the Interwar Period”, conference “Touristic Worlds. Translocal Perspectives on Tourism History (1945–1990)”, 25–27 February 2016, Greifswald, Germany.