Hülya Kendir
Assoziierte Fellow und Lehrbeauftragte im Fachgebiet Entwicklungspolitik und Postkoloniale Studien
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Dr. Hülya Kendir is a Philipp Schwartz Initiative fellow, Alexander Humboldt Foundation, at the International Centre for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel. She received her bachelor's degree from Middle East Technical University (METU), Department of Public Administration, and her M.A. degree and Ph.D. degree in Political Science and Public Administration from Ankara University (in Turkey). In 2010, she spent six months in the Department of Political Science at York University-Canada as a post-doctoral researcher. She worked as a research and teaching assistant at Akdeniz University and Ankara University, and as an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Kocaeli University between 1997-2016. She has taught graduate and post-graduate courses in comparative politics, sociology, public administration, and regional development.
Because of her signature under the “Peace Petition” by the Academics for Peace Initiative in January 2016 in Turkey, she was permanently dismissed from her position at the university by a governmental decree on September 1st, 2016. She has worked in some human rights projects conducted by solidarity academies and other civil society organizations between 2016-2021. Her fields of study are globalization and restructuring of the state, local and regional policies, civil society organizations, and social movements. Recently, she has been working on the restructuring of the state focusing on the role of state-civil society relations and civil society organizations in this process.
(2021).(Ed.)Human Rights in Business(for the Project of “Capacity Building for CSOs and Civil Networks for Further Development of Freedom of Association and Right to Participation”). Ankara: Human Rights Education Network (in Turkish).
(2021). The Development of Human Rights Education in Turkey (for the Project of “Capacity Building for CSOs and Civil Networks for Further Development of Freedom of Association and Right to Participation”). Ankara: Human Rights Education Network (in Turkish).
(2013).edited with S. Güzelsarı. Flexibility. London: IJOPEC Publication.
(2006).edited with T. Çınar. Water Administration, A Critique of Global Policies and Practices. Ankara:Memleket (in Turkish).
(1999).with G. Öztunalı Kayır and F. Hayırsever. Administration of Water Services: Antalya case. Ankara: Public Administration Institute for Turkey and the Middle East (in Turkish).
Book Chapters and Journal Articles
(2020).Transformation of the universities in Turkey: Catching up with the global or provincialization by integrating with the national and the local. Toplum ve Hekim, 35(5), 389-400 (Refereed) (in Turkish with English abstract).
(2019).Observing the transformation of the state through civil society organizations. Ayrıntı Dergi, 29, 67-73 (in Turkish).
(2019). The 'terrorist' officer of the neoliberal authoritarian state: Precarization and criminalization in the process of dismissals during the state of emergency period. In Collective (Eds.), Financialization, Women’s Labor, and State, Articles for Nuray Ergüneş (pp. 278-302). İstanbul: SAV (in Turkish).
(2018).with A. Yeşilyurt and Y. Demirer. Discrimination in Turkish public administration: Limited observations about the situation of Kurdish and/or Alevi local authorities (Raoul Wallenberg Human Rights Research Grant). In International Conference on Discrimination, May 26-28, İstanbul, Proceedings Book (pp. 45-53). İstanbul: Association for Monitoring Equal Rights (in Turkish).
(2017).Is peace “the dream of the child”? The peace movement from a historical perspective. In Collective (Eds.), First Long Year of the Kocaeli Academy for Solidarity (pp. 169-189). Ankara: Dipnot (in Turkish).
(2016).The(in)security state of new Turkey: Ankara massacre in the context of changes in security policies. In İ. Şahbaz and Y. Demirer (Eds.), If We Live, We Owe, Witnesses Tell 10th October Ankara Massacre (pp. 253-278). Ankara: Ütopya (in Turkish).
(2010). with F. Özdinç. Neoliberal transformation of local politics: Peculiarities of the Turkish case. Canadian Political Science Association 82nd Annual Conference, June 1-3, Concordia University, Montreal. http://www.cpsa-acsp.ca/papers-2010/Ozdinc.pdf
(2010).The beginning of public policies in the agricultural sector: “Issue of wheat”, 1932-1945. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(2), 1-12 (Refereed) (in Turkish with English abstract).
(2009).Regional organizations: Regional organizing of public organizations in the infrastructure sector in Turkey. TODAIE’s Review of Public Administration, 3(3), 1-30. (Turkish edition published in Amme İdaresi Dergisi,42(3), 1-23) (SSCI-Refereed).
(2009).Expectations from public administration reform: Demands of business groups for decentralization. In N. Akyıldız et al. (Eds.), Reform in Public Administration from the 18th Century to the 21st Century (pp. 323-329). Ankara: Public Administration Institute for Turkey and the Middle East (in Turkish).
(2008).Search for regional administration in the neo-liberal period in Turkey. In International Symposium of Globalization, Democratization, and Turkey, March 27-30, Antalya, Proceedings Book (p. 777-786).Antalya: Akdeniz University (in Turkish with English abstract).
(2007).Transformation of regional policies: Development agencies in Turkey. In Public Administration Forum IV, November 8-10, Muğla, Proceedings Book (pp. 73-86). Muğla: Muğla Üniversitesi (in Turkish).
(2006).Water policies in the European Union. In T. Çınar and H. Kendir Özdinç (Eds.), Water Administration, A Critique of Global Policies and Practices (pp. 145-178). Ankara: Memleket (in Turkish).
(2005).Turkish Industry and Business Association(TÜSİAD)and Regional Policies. In M. Turan (Ed.), Regional Development Agencies: What they are and what they are not (pp. 281-288). Ankara: YAYED-Paragraf (in Turkish).
(2005).The financial structure of regional development agencies and the South-East Anatolian Project. In Symposium on Public Administration ‘Reform’, the Environment and Regional Development Agencies Bill, 4th March, Ankara, Proceedings Book (pp. 81-85).Ankara: UCTEA Chamber of Environmental Engineers-YAYED (in Turkish).
(2003). The globalized agricultural sector and agricultural reform in Turkey. Praksis, 9, 277-300 (Refereed) (in Turkish with English abstract).
(2003).Forest Administration and the World Bank. In2nd National Forestry Congress, March 19-23, Ankara, Proceedings Book (pp. 278-288). Ankara:The Foresters’ Association of Turkey (in Turkish).
(2002). Minimalizing the role of the state in the administration of the agricultural sector and structural adjustment policies in Turkey. In A. A. Dikmen (Ed.), Globalization, Labor Processes and Structural Adjustment (pp. 217-269). Ankara: Turkish Social Sciences Association.
Translations (into Turkish):
(2015). Swyngedouw, E. (2012). Geography. In B. Fine & A. Saad-Filho (Eds.), The Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics. London: Edward Elgar Press (Turkish edition published by Dipnot Publication, Ankara).
(2006). Brenner, N. (2001). The limits to scale? Methodological reflections on scalar structuration. Progress in Human Geography, 15(4), 525-548. (Turkish edition published in Praksis, 15, pp. 311-336.)
(2002). (with Sonay Bayramoğlu), Smith, A. D. (1991). The Ethnic Origins of Nations. London: Wiley-Blackwell Press. (Turkish edition published by Dost Publication, Ankara.)
Membership of Editorial Board
(2020-….).Feminist Memory Project. https://feministbellek.org/
(2005-….). Praksis (Praksis is a Marxist journal of sciences in Turkish; indexing in SOCIndex, SOC Source Ultimate, SocIndex with Full Text under Ebsco Information Services, and also ULAKBIM-TR Index-a national social sciences articles index). http://www.praksis.org/en/