Modular Timber
The studio MODULAR TIMBER will continue the exploration of possibilities offered by computational technologies for timber architecture. This semester we will focus on two interconnected topics: combinatorial design for custom timber structures, and robotic fabrication methods. The goal is to create custom timber architectures which are adapted to Robotic Fabrication.
Within the combinatorial design topic, we will explore how to create complex timber structures starting from standardized timber components (slats and plates), by combining them into modules, which can then be assembled into fully-functional architectural structures. Within Robotic Fabrication we will explore how prototypical modular spaces will be combined in an architectural solution, to be fabricated using EDEK’s robot lab.
As site, a central and topographically challenging location in Kassel is proposed, where the integration into landscape / views / access will be subject to study. The final task will be the design of a modular Artist Visitor Center in the northern section of the Auepark.