
Since 2021

Lecturer for special tasks with focus on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the Department of Landscape Planning and Communication at the University of Kassel Translated with (free version)



Substitute Professor for the Department of Landscape Planning and Communication at the University of Kassel


Co-founder of the research center "Climate Dynamics Space + Object" (KliRO)


Lecturer in the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel


Research associate in the Department of Landscape and Vegetation Ecology at the University of Kassel, Germany


Doctorate in engineering (Dr.-Ing.) in the Department of Environmental Meteorology at the University of Kassel

Seit 2013
Participating Managing Director "Burghardt und Partner, Ingenieure" Office for Urban Climate, Landscape Planning, Geoinformation (


Lecturer (international) in the course of studies "Sustainable Urban Planning" (SUD) at the "Vietnamese-German University" (VGU), Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam Translated with (free version)


Lecturer in the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel


Research associate in the department of environmental meteorology at the University of Kassel


Freelance activity


Study of landscape ecology at the University of Kassel


Research assistant in the Department of Psychology at the University of Kassel


Study of landscape planning at the University of Kassel


Study of economics at the University of Kassel

  • Burghardt, R., Büscher, L. (2020), GeoDesign as interactive analysis and design / planning process to face the climate challenges in the fields of urban and landscape planning. AMPS proceedings series 271–279.
  • Heiland, S., Mengel, A., Hänel, K., Geiger, B., Arndt, P., Reppin, N., Werle, V., Hokema, D., Hehn, C., Mertelmeyer, L., Burghardt, R., Opitz, S. (2017), Bundeskonzept Grüne Infrastruktur: Fachgutachten. BfN, Bonn-Bad Godesberg.
  • Burghardt, R. (2016), Bewertung der stadtklimatischen Funktion von Friedhöfen, in: Venne, M. (Hrsg.), Öffentliche Leistungen und Funktionen aktiver Friedhöfe. DBU-Forschungsprojekt 29884, Kassel, S. 256–287.
  • Burghardt, R. (2015), Development of an ArcGIS extension to model urban climate factors: A method of automatic and interactive analysis to capture the influencing factors on urban climate. KOBRA, Kassel.
  • Katzschner, A., Burghardt, R., Katzschner, L. (2015), Sustainable Strategies for Climate Oriented Urban Planning in Ho Chi Minh City, in: VU, A.T. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of International Conference „The Future of Ho Chi Minh City Metropolitan Area“ (HCMC Future 2015), 24.-25. September 2015, New Binh Duong City, Vietnam,. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, S. 16–27.


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