M.Sc. Svenja Bochinski
Research Assistant I Department of Landscape Planning and Communication
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-7478
- svenja.bochinski[at]asl.uni-kassel[dot]de
- Website
- M.Sc. Svenja Bochinski
- Location
- Gottschalkstraße 26
34127 Kassel
- Room
- Gottschalk 26, Raum 2104
Main research areas
Participation in spatial planning, (radical) theories of democracy, local democracy, planning conflicts, sustainable urban and landscape development, post-structuralist discourse theory according to Laclau & Mouffe (1985), development of suburban spaces
Since 2024
Research assistant at the Institute for Urban Research, Planning and Communication, Erfurt University of Applied Sciences, in the research project "XR-Participation spaces for extended social participation in urban transformation processes" (BMBF-funded)
2020 - 2023
Urbanistik (Urban Studies) (M.Sc.) Bauhaus University Weimar
2022 - 2023
Scientific assistant at Complan Kommunalberatung GmbH, Potsdam, in the research project "Participation in multifunctional inner-city development" (on behalf of the BBSR)
2021 - 2023
Student research assistant for housing research, Institute for European Urban Studies, Bauhaus University Weimar
Internship specialized journalism architecture and urban planning DETAIL Business Information GmbH, Munich
2019 - 2020
Study programme Spatial Planning (M.Sc.) University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
2016 - 2020
Stadt- und Regionalplanung (Urban and Regional Planning) (B.Sc.) University of Kassel
2018 - 2020
Student Assistant, Department of Urban and Regional Sociology, University of Kassel
2018 - 2019
Internship urban planning, bgsm architekten stadtplaner, Munich
Internship in regional development, H&S GbR, Freising
2015 - 2016
Federal Volunteer Service for Monument Research, Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation, Munich
Zerche, Ina; Fuchs, Jana; Rhede-Bauers, Christiane; Hoelzmann, Janine; Kratzer, Yasmin; Bochinski, Svenja et al. (2024): Multifunktionale Innenstadtentwicklung und Partizipationskultur. Hg. v. Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR). Bonn (BBSR-Online-Publikation, 102/2024).
Bochinski, Svenja / Drilling, Jonas / Till, Mayer (2023): Mehr Teilhabe in der Stadtentwicklung durch Koproduktion? In: Anton Brokow-Loga (Hg.). Corona und die Stadt. Bielefeld: transcript. 51-70. DOI: 10.14361/9783839465486-004
Bochinski, Svenja / Drilling, Jonas / Till, Mayer (2022): Zwischen Zivilgesellschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung. Perspektiven koproduktiver Stadtentwicklung abseits der Großstadt. RaumPlanung 217, 2021/3-4: 95 – 98
Bochinski, Svenja / Müller, Theresa / Rietzler, Hannah / Speidel, Felix / Sprute, Marie (2021): Durch Nachbarschaften Wohnraum schaffen – Projekt „RaumTeiler:innen”. Planerin, 2021/05: 53 - 54
Bochinski, Svenja (2020): Inwiefern wird das durch Macht strukturierte Wirkungsgefüge von Raum und Gender bereits in der Kindheit inkorporiert? Kassel: University Press Kassel. Bachelorthesis. doi:10.17170/kobra-202010201977
Innovation at the margins? Or continous growth with a green gloss? Contested (sub)urban Landscapes in the growing city of Hamburg, Germany. 35th International Geographical Congress. International Geographical Union, City University Dublin, Dublin 24. – 30. August 2024.
Koproduktion als Aushandlungsprozess städtischer Teilhabe. Vortrag, Konferenz. Transformation (mit)machen! Die sozial-ökologische Transformation auf kommunaler Ebene gestalten. RWTH Aachen, Aachen 19. – 20. Oktober 2023.
Co-Production for more participation in local democraties? A planners’ approach on do-ocrary. Vortrag, Workshop. Reclaiming Democracy in Cities. Centre for comparative Research on Democracy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, 22. - 23. Juni 2022.