NHW Award
All Bachelor and Master students of the Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning (ASL) of the University of Kassel are eligible to participate. Interdisciplinary cooperation of at least two courses of study is particularly welcomed. Other students of the University of Kassel and the School of Art and Design Kassel are eligible to participate in cooperation with students of the ASL faculty.
Project work between students from A, S and L is recommended — best in groups of two. Individual projects, such as master's theses, are possible. In the case of interdisciplinary projects, larger groups can be formed. However, these groups should not include more than two students per program.
Brückenschlag Bettenhausen. Stadtteile verknüpfen - Experiment_Stadt von Morgen wagen! Verdichtet, sozial, produktiv, energieerzeugend, CO2-negativ, grün.
The NHW Award 2024 is presented by the Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning of the University of Kassel together with the Nassauische Heimstätte | Wohnstadt Group, Frankfurt am Main and Kassel, and is organized by the Department of Design and Sustainable Construction.
The NHW Award deals with topics of urban living and housing and in 2024 will focus on bridging the districts of Unterneustadt and Bettenhausen to the center of Kassel. The competition area is located in the south-eastern part of Kassel around the Platz der deutschen Einheit. The possible scope here ranges from individual architectural, landscape and urban planning tasks to designs at district level.
Above all, the focus is on working out innovative, future-oriented themes for living together in the future.