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New publication: "Duale Ausbildungsqualität: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Forschungsstand vor dem Hintergrund neuer Bedarfe und Möglichkeiten" (Deutscher, Abele, Festner, Findeisen, Goller, Harteis, Rausch, & Seifried, 2024)
Training quality: Quo vadis?
In view of the pressing shortage of skilled workers in many sectors, the quality of dual vocational training is increasingly coming into focus. A recent article by us on this topic provides an overview of the development of quality models since 1969 and highlights critical gaps: The focus is often on company-based aspects, while school-based learning locations and digital working methods have so far been neglected. Furthermore, it becomes clear that the discussions surrounding the topic of training quality are subject to changes over time and exhibit a certain dependency on perspectives (trainees, teachers, school management, trainers, etc.).
Overall, the article in bwp@ provides quick access to the topic of training quality in academic discourse for interested researchers and practitioners alike.
Freely available in open access:
Deutscher, V., Abele, S., Festner, D., Findeisen, S., Goller, M., Harteis, C., Rausch, A., & Seifried, J. (2024). Dual training quality: A critical examination of the state of research against the background of new needs and opportunities. bwp@ Profile 10: Challenges and design issues for vocational education and training. Digital commemorative publication for Susan Seeber on her 60th birthday, 1-51. www.
The article is part of the digital commemorative publication for Susan Seeber on her 60th birthday.