The In­flu­ence of Si­gnal­ling Ef­fects on Ca­re­er Suc­cess

PhD project of Dipl.-Soz. Simon Scholz M.A.

The cumulative dissertation project aims at insights about the recruitment and patterns of careers within the top positions in the German civil service. The project covers the time span between 1990 and today and focusses on specific aspects of the development of careers.

Throughout the dissertation results of, usually just descriptive, elite studies will analytically be deepened by the use of a theoretical model that is based on Job Market Signalling. Additional to that, the empirical material of the project "The Political and Administrative Elite in the Federal Ministerial Bureaucracy in Germany since 1990" will be used and reworked by applying content analyses as well as quantitative and longitudinal methods to gain new knowledge about career success.

Project-related Publications

Conference Presentations

  • Scholz, S. and Strobel, B., Professionalisierung vs. Repräsentativität – Eine Analyse der Karrieremuster politischer und administrativer Eliten seit 1949. Presentation at the DVPW-Kongress 2018 „Grenzen der Demokratie / Frontiers of Democracy“, Frankfurt a.M., 25-28 September 2018.
  • Scholz, S., Social Background, Competencies, and Politicization in Civil Servant Careers. Presentation at the 12th ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, 22-25 August 2018.
  • Strobel, B. and Scholz, S., The Influence of Social Dynamics on Representation in the Federal Government of Germany. Presentation at the IPPA International Workshop on Public Policy, Pittsburgh (USA), 26-28 June 2018.
  • Scholz, S. and Vedder, S., Hybrid Elites – Career Patterns of Politicians and Top Civil Servants on Federal and Regional Levels. Presentation at the 24th World Congress of Political Science, Poznan, 23-28 July 2016.
  • Scholz, S., Personell Resilience and Crisis Preparedness of German Federal Ministries at the annual Conference of the German Section of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences, Hamburg, 19-20 November 2015.
  • Scholz, S., Personelle Reaktionsbereitschaft auf Herausforderungen der Verwaltung. Presentation at the Conference of the German Political Science Association, Duisburg, 21-25 September 2015.
  • Veit, S. and Scholz, S., Career patterns of top civil servants in the German governmental departments: The importance of horizontal and vertical Mobility. Presentation at the Common Conference of the German, Austrian and Swiss Political Science Associations, Innsbruck, 20 September 2013.


If you are interested in the dissertation project, you may ask or send comments to: simon.scholz(at)



Prof. Dr. Sylvia Veit

July 2015 to June 2025