

Keynote for the online forum about sustainable management

Am 6. Dezember 2022 hielt Stefan Gold online die Keynote zum Online-Themenforum zur nachhaltigen Unternehmensführung...

(Kopie 3)

At the 6th of december 2022, Stefan Gold gave the keynote speech for the online forum on sustainable management named „Zukunftsfähig - Innovativ - Wettbewerbsfähig: Wie können Wirtschaftende ihre Prozesse optimieren und nachhaltig gestalten?“ ("Sustainable - innovative - competitive: How can managers optimize their processes and organize them in a sustainable way?") of the Hessian Economic Initiative, on behalf of the Hessian ministry for the environment, climate protection, agriculture and consumer protection. The topic of the keynote was: Concepts and instruments of sustainable management.