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New publication in the renowned Journal of Information Technology (JIT)

A recent study by Fabian Tingelhoff, Micha Brugger and Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister, published in the renowned Journal of Information Technology, sheds light on the potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) to support structured literature reviews (SLRs) in business research. The authors show how AI tools can enhance existing literature review methods and make them more efficient without sacrificing scientific transparency and integrity.

The study offers a well-founded overview of best practices for classic SLRs and supplements these with a practical guide for the use of GenAI. It focuses in particular on concrete steps for integrating the technology into the research process as well as strategies for ensuring transparency and traceability. In addition, the work addresses key challenges such as bias and ethical aspects associated with the use of AI and provides solutions for responsible use.

With this publication, the research team makes an important contribution to the further development of scientific methodology and offers researchers a clearly structured framework for the use of modern technologies. The full study is available as an open access article and can be accessed via the following link: