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The department is represented at ICIS with nine contributions

This year, our department is once again represented at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) - with an impressive selection of contributions. The focus is on current topics such as artificial intelligence, software development and innovative technologies in IT management.


The following contributions will be presented:

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Beyond Trial and Error: Strategic Assessment of Decentralized Identity in US Healthcare Sophia Maite Magdalena Göppinger, Alexander Meier, Edona Elshan, Omid Malekan and Jan Marco Leimeister
When? 8:30-10:00 a.m., Track: Information Systems in Healthcare
Best Paper Nominee

GenAI and Software Engineering: Strategies for Shaping the Core of Tomorrow's Software Engineering Practice Olivia Bruhin, Philipp Ebel, Leon Mueller and Mahei Li
When? 8:30-10:00 am, Session: Emerging Technologies in Practice
✨ Presentation at the CIO Forum as one of 3 selected papers

Beyond Code: The Impact of Generative AI on Work Systems in Software Engineering Olivia Bruhin
When? 15:00-16:30, Session: On Professionals and Professions

Chatbot Agents Displaying Non-factive Reasoning Enhance Expectation Confirmation Andreas Göldi & Roman Rietsche
When? 15:00-16:30, Session: HTI Human-AI Interaction and Communication

Leveraging Prompting Guides as Worked Examples for Advanced Prompt Engineering Strategies Antonia Tolzin, Niels Knoth and Andreas Janson
When? 16:45-18:15, Session: Conversational Agents as Partners in Learning
Best Paper Nominee and Best Paper in Track

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Cognitive Load Theory Approach to Hybrid Intelligence: Tackling the Dual Aim of Task Performance and Learning Eva Bittner, Sarah Oeste-Reiß, Rosemarie Kirmse, Mathis Poser and Christina Wiethof
When? 9:00-10:30 a. m., Session: Methods and Techniques for Impacting Learning Outcomes

Exploring Individuals' Psychological Factors as Predictors of Workforce Agility in Software Development Teams Kristin Geffers, Ulrich Bretschneider and Karen Eilers
When? 9:00-10:30 a.m., Session: Intra- and Interpersonal Aspects of IT Workforce

Exploring the Paradoxical Relationship between Citizen and Professional Developers in Low Code Environments Olivia Bruhin, Philipp Ebel and Edona Elshan
When? 9:00-10:30 am, Session: Challenges in Software Development
Nominated for ICIS 2024 Best Student Paper (In Honor of TP Liang)

Making Sense of Large Language Model-Based AI Agents Andreas Göldi & Roman Rietsche
When? 9:00-10:30 am, Session: AI Design and Technology