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CeBIT appearance of the department with the project kuLtig
At CeBIT 2015, the joint project kuLtig ("Systematic development and piloting of methods and models for culturally sensitive learning service engineering using China as an example") will present the latest results of its work. China is the partner country of this year's CeBIT.
The results will be presented at a project booth(Hall 6, Floor H54, Booth No. 3) as well as in a series of lectures in the International Business Area (IBA) Forum on the opening day of the fair (10:30-13:00).
Here, among others, Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister (Department of Business Informatics) will present the results of the project so far and Dr. Philipp Bitzer (smarTransfer GmbH) will show how the knowledge gained can be used for transfer into practice.
Further information can be found in the reporting of the University of Kassel: Link.
Interested students can also contact Andreas Janson regarding tickets for CeBIT.