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State of Hesse continues to fund emergenCITY until the end of 2026
The LOEWE committees have approved the continued funding of the emergenCITY project to the tune of around nine million…Fourth network meeting - the WÖRLD House is well networked and prepared for the final project year
On December 5 and 6, 2024, the 4th joint meeting of the WÖRLD House took place at the University of Kassel. At this…The department is represented at ICIS with nine contributions
This year, our department is once again represented at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) - with…Conference attendance: 4th EurOMA CEE Research Network Workshop 2024 in Trento
Ahmand Siar Nazeri, Ass.-Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Kabalska, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Salem, and Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner have…New paper published: How to nudge effective omnichannel approach in making fashion industry circular
Masoumeh Danesh Shakib, Mahsa Pishdar, and Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner have published a new paper entitled "How to nudge…New paper published: Disclosing transparency: A review of B2B marketing and supply chain research
Raja Rub Nawaz and Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner have published a new paper entitled "Disclosing transparency: A review of B2B…New publication: "New Work as the key to more workplace-based learning? - Promising thoughts vs. actual work culture" (Gierosz & Goller, 2024)
New publication in the Journal of Public Economics
The paper "Read My Lips? Taxes and Election" was published in the Journal of Public Economics in August 2024. This link…New publication: "Duale Ausbildungsqualität: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Forschungsstand vor dem Hintergrund neuer Bedarfe und Möglichkeiten" (Deutscher, Abele, Festner, Findeisen, Goller, Harteis, Rausch, & Seifried, 2024)
Entgeltgleichheit - Unternehmenspflichten nach der Entgelttransparenzrichtlinie
Am 03.12.24 um 12.00 Uhr referiert Frau Prof. Isabell Hensel im Rahmen des Colloquiums "Recht und Ökonomie" zum Thema…