Idea and Complaints Management of the Faculty of Economics and Management

Welcome to the Idea and Complaints Management of the Department of Business and Economics!

Our goal is to continuously improve our teaching and study conditions, service offerings and processes, and to support you with any questions or problems that arise.

You are welcome to direct your ideas, suggestions for improvement, praise, criticism or complaints to the Quality Management. The quality management acts as a mediator, data and names are of course treated anonymously.

Click here to go directly to the contact form

The contact form is currently only available with German descriptions. Please feel free to fill it out in English or send an email instead. 

Who can contact us?

We serve all students and members of the Department of Business and Economics and are also available to answer questions, especially about our courses.

What other counseling services are available?

For concerns involving another department, please contact the contact person there or the central student complaints office.

In addition, several offices at the university offer specific counseling and support services for various situations, which are compiled  here.

Do you have a request?

Please read the FAQ in the following section first.

For your request, please use our online form at the bottom of this page or contact us by E-mail.

In addition, you can also contact the student idea and complaint management , which we offer together with the student council of the department 07.

Do you prefer to talk to us personally?

During the lecture period, our student complaint management offers you an open consultation hour on Wednesdays from 12:00 to 13:00 in room 3133, building K10 (Henschelstraße 2) .

If you need to talk outside these hours, please make an individual appointment by e-mail.


Joana Pletscher
+49 561 804-7156

Contact: E-Mail

Student contact person


To do this, you can contact the course advisor for your degree program, who will be happy to provide you with advice and assistance.

You can find the contact details and the open office hours of the course advisors of the School of Business and Economics here.

If you have any further questions, we are naturally also available to you!

If you have a problem with a particular course or module,

  1. contact the lecturer in question. To do so, make an appointment during office hours, write an e-mail with your concerns as concretely as possible, or speak to the lecturer in person after the course.
  2. Contact us if no solution can be reached in direct contact with the lecturer or if no contact can be established. We will be happy to support you in finding a solution.

The Department of Studies and Teaching has compiled extensive information on a website regarding questions of examination law, which apply equally to all students of the University of Kassel.

We are happy to advise you on questions regarding your exams. Please use our open office hours, the contact form at the bottom of this page or make an individual appointment by e-mail.

If you do not agree with a grade,

  1. please first take advantage of the opportunities for exam discussion or exam review.
    1. Whether and in which form appointments for exam discussions are offered depends on the respective course. Inform yourself accordingly, e.g. in Moodle, and if necessary ask the lecturer for an appointment.
    2. The examination inspection (inspection of the examination file) is carried out by the examination offices. It takes place in room 3134 in Henschelstraße 2 (K10). The respective opening hours can be found on the websites of the Examination Office responsible for you or the Examination Office for Vocational and Business Education. If you still have unanswered questions after viewing the exam, please address them to the lecturer in question. Please be as specific as possible in describing the points on which you have questions or the points on which you disagree with the evaluation.
  2. If you still do not agree with the grading after the examination and the discussion with the examiner, you can appeal against the grading to the responsible examination board. Please note that there are deadlines that must be met.
  3. We will be happy to assist you in finding a solution should you encounter problems during these steps. To do so, please use our open office hours, the contact form at the bottom of this page, or make an individual appointment by e-mail.

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