@article{Deng_2025, doi = {10.1088/2058-9565/ad8512}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2058-9565/ad8512}, year = {2024}, month = {oct}, publisher = {IOP Publishing}, volume = {10}, number = {1}, pages = {015017}, author = {Bo Deng and Moritz Göb and Max Masuhr and Johannes Roßnagel and Georg Jacob and Daqing Wang and Kilian Singer}, title = {A comprehensive study on a tapered Paul trap: from design to potential applications}, journal = {Quantum Science and Technology}, abstract = {We present a tapered Paul trap whose radio frequency electrodes are inclined to the symmetric axis of the endcap electrodes, resulting in a funnel-shaped trapping potential. With this configuration, a charged particle confined in this trap has its radial degrees of freedom coupled to that of the axial direction. The same design was successfully used to experimentally realize a single-atom heat engine, and with this setup amplification of zeptonewton forces was implemented. In this paper, we show the design, implementation, and characterization of such an ion trap in detail. This system offers a high level of control over the ion’s motion. Its novel features promise applications in the field of quantum thermodynamics, quantum sensing, and quantum information.} }