4th and last date of lecture series: Erasmus visitor Prof. Dr. Vadim Veiko
ERASMUS Visitor Prof. Dr. Vadim Veiko, Institute of Laser Technologies, ITMO-
University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Prof. Veiko will visit the Ins3tute of Physics between June 16th and June 30th in the
framework of the ERASMUS programme and will give four lectures about laser interac3on
with materials and laser material func3onaliza3on for different technologies.
He will be in the office 1187 (AVZ).
Mo. 19.6.2023, 15:00, Room 1102: Introduction to laser micro-and nanotechnologies
Wed. 21.6.2023, 15:00, Room 1252: Laser thermochemistry : physics and applications
Fri. 23.6.2023, 15:00, Room 1102: Laser microplasma and its application for
transparent materials processing
Tue. 27.6.2023, 15:00, Room 2404: Laser modification of metal surfaces to improve
their biocompatibility