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- Kutschera, U. (2002) Kreationismus. Naturwiss. Rundschau 55, 61 – 62.
- Kutschera, U. (2002) Stephen Jay Gould (1941-2002): Paläobiologe,
Evolutionstheoretiker und Anti-Kreationist. Biologen heute 462/4, 18 – 19. - Kutschera, U. (2002) Intelligentes Design und Evolution. Biologen heute 464/6, 13 – 14.
- Kutschera, U. (2002) Evolution und christlicher Glaube: Kreationismus in Deutschland. Verh. Gesch. Theorie Biol. 9, 195 – 208.
- Kutschera, U., Heiderich, A. (2002) Sucrose metabolism and cellulose biosynthesis in sunflower hypocotyls. Physiol. Plant. 114, 372 – 379.
- Kutschera, U. (2002) Bacterial colonization of sunflower cotyledons during seed germination. J. Appl. Bot. 76, 96 – 98.
- Kutschera, U., Koopmann, V., Grotha, R. (2002) Plant development in the absence of epiphytic microorganisms. Naturwissenschaften 89, 319 – 321.
- Edelmann, H.G., Kutschera, U. (2002) Long-term effect of auxin on cell elongation in rye coleoptiles: ultrastructural investigations. J. Appl. Bot. 76, 159 – 162.
- Scherp, P., Grotha, R., Kutschera, U. (2002) Interaction between cytokinesis-related callose and cortical microtubules in dividing cells of the liverwort Riella helicophylla. Plant Biol. 4, 619 – 624.
- Hornschuh, M., Grotha, R., Kutschera, U. (2002) Epiphytic bacteria associated with the bryophyte Funaria hygrometrica: Effects of Methylobacterium strains on protonema development. Plant Biol. 4, 682 – 687.