Dr. Sofia Brenner
Diskrete Mathematik
- Telefon
- +49 561 804-4192
- sbrenner[at]mathematik.uni-kassel[dot]de
- Website
- sofiabrenner.github.io
- Standort
- Heinrich-Plett-Straße 40
34132 Kassel
- Raum
- Heinr.-Plett-Str., Raum 3320
About me
My current research lies at the intersection of group theory and (algebraic) combinatorics. I study symmetries of combinatorial objects using algebraic methods, and combinatorial questions on graphs with an algebraic description, such as Cayley graphs. I am also fascinated by applications of algebra in algorithmic questions.
From 2022 to 2024, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Pascal Schweitzer at TU Darmstadt. From 2019 to 2022, I was a PhD student of Burkhard Külshammer at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. My thesis was in representation theory of finite groups and symmetric algebras.
S. Brenner, R. D. Camina, and M. L. Lewis. Semi-extraspecial p-groups with automorphisms of large order. |
S. Brenner, C. del Valle, and C. M. Roney-Dougal. Irredundant bases for soluble groups. Preprint |
N. Behrooznia, S. Brenner, A. Merino, T. Mütze, C. Rieck, F. Verciani. Facet-Hamiltonian cycles in the B-permutahedron. |
S. Brenner and I. Heinrich. Countable ultrahomogeneous 2-colored graphs on two imprimitive color classes. European Journal of Combinatorics 125, 2025. An extended abstract appeared in the Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications EUROCOMB’23. |
S. Brenner. Classifying group algebras in which the socle of the center is an ideal. Communications in Algebra, 2025. |
S. Brenner. Tuple regularity and k-ultrahomogeneity for finite groups. Journal of Group Theory, 27(6):1305-1336, 2024. |
S. Brenner and B. Külshammer. Group algebras in which the socle of the center is an ideal. Annals of Representation Theory, 1:1–19, 2024. |
S. Brenner and D. García-Lucas. On the modular isomorphism problem for groups with center of index at most p^3. Archiv der Mathematik, 122(5):463–474, 2024. |
M. Anders, S. Brenner, and G. Rattan. The complexity of symmetry breaking beyond lex- leader. Proceedings of the 30th Conference on Principles and Practices of Constraint Programming (CP), Girona, Spain, 2024. |
M. Anders, S. Brenner, and G. Rattan. satsuma: structure-based symmetry breaking in SAT. Proceedings of the International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT), Pune, India, 2024. |
S. Brenner and B. Külshammer. Ideals in the center of symmetric algebras. International Electronic Journal of Algebra, 34:126–151, 2023. |
S. Brenner. On the Malle-Navarro Conjecture for 2- and 3-blocks of general linear and unitary groups. Communications in Algebra, 49:427–441, 2021. |
M. Anders, S. Brenner, and G. Rattan. satsuma Software package. |